Accept what comes to you totally & completely so that you can appreciate it, learn from it & then let it go.
Deepak ChopraNo matter what the situation is...close your eyes and think of all the things you could be grateful for in your life right now.
Deepak ChopraStart by thinking of the smallest possible action you could take; then, take it. Then, choose the next smallest action, and do that.
Deepak ChopraPain in the present is experienced as hurt. Pain in the past is remembered as anger. Pain in the future is perceived as anxiety. Unexpressed anger, redirected against yourself and held within, is called guilt. The depletion of energy that occurs when anger is redirected inward creates depression.
Deepak ChopraPassively accepting your sadness is the same as forgetting to build your own happiness. Happiness is more than a mood. It's a long-lasting state that is more accurately called well-being.
Deepak ChopraThere is a part of yourself that is not subject to change, it is the silent witness behind the scenes. That is essentially your spirit, the spirit being an abstract but real force. It is as real as gravity. It is as real as time. It is incomprehensible. It is mysterious but it is powerful and it is eternal.
Deepak Chopra