I'm all about showing people that I'm a little messed up, I have a lot of the same problems you have. By exposing myself and putting myself out there, people can relate to me and my act won't grow stale. I mean, nobody wants to hear a comedian say, 'Life is great.'
Gabriel IglesiasUnderstand that you don't know it all. You don't know anything yet. What you've been taught is great, but always go with common sense. And don't marry your first love.
Gabriel IglesiasPeople see a big dude and they hear that high pitched voice or "Eglasias with an 'I'" and love it because they can relate and go "I know that person!".
Gabriel IglesiasI'm always ready for TV. I don't have to edit my jokes - when you work clean, you can work anywhere.
Gabriel Iglesias