On a piece of paper, write down the thing that is stressing you, the obstacle that is in your way. Then put it in a box and just leave it there. At the end of about a week, dispose of it - throw it in the trash or bury it - some sort of ritualistic act of releasing it.
Gabrielle BernsteinIt's very easy to look for happiness outside ourselves; in a relationship, a dream job, or the perfect body weight. When we chase happiness externally, we're simply looking for God in all the wrong places. The outside search is based on false projections we place on the world. These projections build up a wall against true happiness, which lies within us.
Gabrielle BernsteinEach time we make this shift and choose happiness, we experience a miracle. Our mind shifts from fearful delusions and reconnects to our truth, which is love. Creating these shifts requires a dedicated commitment to choosing love.
Gabrielle BernsteinThe great paradox is that our lack of faith in love and miracles is what blocks us from receiving love and miracles.
Gabrielle BernsteinA miracle is a shift in perception. The moment that we choose to perceive our life with love, we can create miraculous change.
Gabrielle BernsteinYou'll realize the transformation is not for you alone. You'll learn that you're here to use this gift to shine light on the dark world around you. You become a miracle worker in the world. As you begin to understand how love is crucial to the healing of the world, your miracle work will take on a whole new meaning.
Gabrielle Bernstein