I’ve learned that fear is simply an illusion based on past experiences that we project into the present and onto the future.
Gabrielle BernsteinRemember that you have a choice in what you see. If you choose to see a person's darkness, you strengthen your darkness within. If you choose to see their light, you shine from the inside out.
Gabrielle BernsteinI think maintenance comes from a daily spiritual growth practice of some kind: prayer, meditation, affirmations. Something that keeps you in the consciousness of higher thoughts and energy. That's also how you make sure you don't do it again.
Gabrielle BernsteinA miracle is a shift in perception. The moment that we choose to perceive our life with love, we can create miraculous change.
Gabrielle BernsteinI believe in any kind of personal growth practice that can help you gather the tools that you can then apply to resentment, anger, pain, and rage in order to heal your past resentments toward yourself and others, and then deal with them in the moment so you don't carry them for a decade or more.
Gabrielle Bernstein