I call him Governor Bush because that's the only political office he's ever held legally in this country. I don't care where they hang his portrait, I don't care how big his library is. To me, he'll always be "Governor Bush." I don't even capitalize his name when I type it anymore.
George CarlinSuppose I could shoot myself in the mouth, but what if I miss? People will laugh at me.
George CarlinI am a personal optimist but a skeptic about all else. What may sound to some like anger is really nothing more than sympathetic contempt. I view my species with a combination of wonder and pity, and I root for its destruction. And please don't confuse my point of view with cynicism; the real cynics are the ones who tell you everything's gonna be all right.
George CarlinLife is sacred? Who said so? God? Hey, if you read history, you realize that God is one of the leading causes of death.
George Carlin