What could be nicer than to have three horrible children behind you in an airplane, and the next set, you go onstage and you talk about how much you despise the children and what you would like to do to them on an airplane? That's the only time I would gladly take a terrorist on. It'd be worth it to get rid of these children.
Joan RiversThe people voting for the Oscars are so old. I haven't seen one Academy award voter with a tampon in her purse.
Joan RiversIf you're saying the same line 10 times and making it look like you just came up with it, that's acting.
Joan RiversThe last time I saw a blonde with red streaks in her hair she was laying on Oscar Pistorius' bathroom floor.
Joan RiversAnger is a symptom, a way of cloaking and expressing feelings too awful to experience directly - hurt, bitterness, grief and, most of all, fear.
Joan RiversLearn what not to expect. Irish catholic they get sh**** little rings. Irish women get crappy rings. Baptist get the worst because they get the rings under water. When it comes up, it's garbage. Jewish, big rings. Episcopalian big rings. Italians-the best, because they get them off of dead people, and second wives get the biggest rings of all.
Joan Rivers