The skills that we have are the actual magic skills - not the performing skills. We have to separate those. But the actual skills that make the tricks work, we don't get to use again.
Penn JilletteA famous monk once said, I don't always know what the right thing to do is, my Lord, but I think the fact that I want to please you pleases you.
Penn JillettePart of the experience of being entertained is sitting back and plugging into someone else's vision.
Penn JilletteEven if I disagree with Obama on many, many things, he is certainly qualified to be president. He is certainly competent to be president.
Penn Jillette'Christian' used to be a throwaway word. People didn't used to use it much. People didn't start self-labeling or getting labeled Christian until the last part of the 20th century. Before that, you might identify as a Baptist, or a Southern Baptist or a Methodist. But there wasn't one identifier that put you in a fold with all the other believers.
Penn Jillette