Whether you know it or not, you are a role model for somebody. Watch what you say and know that you're responsible for your actions.
Robert CheekeAs a vegan body-builder I want to show others that it is possible to gain significant muscle and strength on a vegan diet and I want to inspire others to follow this lifestyle. I love being vegan and knowing that I am having a positive impact on our society.
Robert CheekeEveryday I attempt to consume 4,000 Calories and 200 grams of protein. I don't always reach that mark but when I go to bed at night I know that I did the best I could given my schedule and the circumstances that day.
Robert CheekeWhen you succeed be proud of yourself and know that not everyone gets to experience the thrill of success on a consistent basis.
Robert CheekeEvery day look in the mirror and flex your muscles. Smile and enjoy the sight of a beautiful fit body. If you don't like what you see, find a photo of how you want your body to look and paste it to the corner of your mirror. Be willing to work hard for what you have the potential to become.
Robert Cheeke