When someone compliments me on my physique, positive attitude, or enthusiasm, I walk on air the rest of the day.
Robert CheekeAfter a grueling leg workout nothing feels better than a slow, deep massage on your quads.
Robert CheekeWe all need to have heroes, people to admire and look up to. To find a hero, first look to your parents or older brother or sister. Then look to the people who share the same morals and values that you have, and have accomplished the goals that you strive to achieve.
Robert CheekeBut all the vitamins, amino acids, protein etc. needed to get stronger can be found in abundance in plant foods. Anything that is a fruit, nut, grain or seed is vegan and there are thousands of those.
Robert CheekeEvery day look in the mirror and flex your muscles. Smile and enjoy the sight of a beautiful fit body. If you don't like what you see, find a photo of how you want your body to look and paste it to the corner of your mirror. Be willing to work hard for what you have the potential to become.
Robert Cheeke