Before starting a fitness program or diet, know why you're doing it. Have specific goals with deadlines and visualize the end result each night before going to bed.
Robert CheekeCelebrate each accomplishment on your way to reaching your goal. Each challenge conquered whether large or small is a positive step to greatness.
Robert CheekeWhen backed up against a wall, dig deep, demand excellence, stand tall, and be strong.
Robert CheekeWhen someone compliments me on my physique, positive attitude, or enthusiasm, I walk on air the rest of the day.
Robert CheekePay close attention to detail in whatever it is you are doing. Be specific and expect quality from your performance.
Robert CheekeThe names Lillian Smith, Eric Dazey, Jon Bullock, and Clari Higginson may mean nothing to most people but the mean the world to me. Of all my years in school, these are the teachers who challenged me to get better everyday and whole-heartedly believed in my dreams. The support they gave me was priceless and life changing.
Robert Cheeke