Of course, it is worth it to take the time to think carefully through your assumptions, and ensure you at least have hypotheses around how you will create value. But use the analysis as a way to focus attention on the most critical assumptions, rather than spend a ton of time massaging the numbers.
Scott D. AnthonyIf you invest the time to understand the customer better than they know themselves, if you know the things they want or need even if they can't articulate it, you can begin to develop a good sense as to where there really are unmet needs in the market.
Scott D. AnthonyI think the most important thing to do is to recognize the fundamentally different circumstances of pursuing growth.
Scott D. AnthonyWhy do people do crossword puzzles? There's no reward for completing one, but some people just like the challenge.
Scott D. AnthonyYou still want to be thoughtful about what you do, no doubt, but you have to learn through trial-and-error experimentation as well.
Scott D. AnthonyBring different groups together internally, send them out to visit other companies, or bring in interesting speeches. Show that you love learning by having people on staff whose job it is to explore without any near-term metrics. Publicly shut a project down and talk about what a great job a team did because they learned so much. And so on.
Scott D. AnthonyI find social media as fun and engaging as the next person, but imagine if all the creative talent that was pouring into finding increasingly clever ways for us to broadcast daily banality (and then serve ads based on what is learned) instead focused on some of the UN Millennium goals? The world would be a better place.
Scott D. Anthony