Popular quotes about Pride! Wisdom and inspiration are here!
Pride is a terrible and dangerous thing. It can take so many forms; it can even assume the appearance of humility. Pride can lead not only to self-exaltation, but also to self-abasement. The key to battling pride is not found in struggling against thinking too highly of ourselves or in striving to think of ourselves as lowly. The key is found in simply not thinking about ourselves at all, but setting our minds on Christ and the needs of others.
Paul WasherAn Arab activist can take pride in the Arab heritage of mathematics and science or he can take pride in his religion, and there's pride to be taken in both. But one of them could be exploited much more easily and has been in the context of world conflict. And the other is very difficult to do on the grounds that science and literature and mathematics have been among the uniting factors in the history of the world.
Amartya SenEvery man on earth is sick with the fever of sin, with the blindness of sin and is overcome with its fury. As sins consist mostly of malice and pride, it is necessary to treat everyone who suffers from the malady of sin with kindness and love. This is an important truth, which we often forget. Very often we act in the opposite manner: we add malice to malice by our anger, we oppose pride with pride. Thus, evil grows within us and does not decrease; it is not cured - rather it spreads
John of KronstadtAt the deepest level, pride is the choice to exclude both God and other people from their rightful place in our hearts. Jesus said the essence of the spiritual life is to love God and to love people. Pride destroys our capacity to love.
John OrtbergI take pride in my sports knowledge. I take pride in everything I do. It's part of me.
Action BronsonWe mortals, men and women, devour many a disappointment between breakfast and dinner-time; keep back the tears and look a little pale about the lips, and in answer to inquiries say, "Oh, nothing!" Pride helps; and pride is not a bad thing when it only urges us to hide our hurtsโ not to hurt others.
George EliotA confessional passage has probably never been written that didn't stink a little bit of the writer's pride in having given up his pride.
J. D. SalingerHe whose sin is due to desires, then have hope for him. And he whose sin is due to pride, then fear for him - because Nabi Adam disobeyed due to desire and was forgiven, and Iblis sinned due to pride and was cursed
Sufyan ibn `UyaynahSpiritual pride is the worst of all pride, if it is not the worst snare of the devil. The heart is peculiarly deceitful on just this one thing.
Ichabod SpencerPride was his life force; for us it was a live nerve that he could teach us to brush. One stroke, a good practice, and we could tingle for days ... First, he found the pride in each of us, then he taught us how good it could feel. What he was ultimately after was for every one of us to learn to light our own fires and glow our brightest.
Kareem Abdul-JabbarYou shouldn't take pride in your natural talents any more than you should take pride in your sex, your race or color of your hair
Marcus BuckinghamI like to think I've provided this faith. I also think that by providing faith, I've focused their pride. I say focused because pride isn't something you give. It doesn't even break out suddenly; it's a feeling that grows very slowly, very confusedly.
Indira GandhiThe thing that gave me most pride about it was to see the smiles and the pride on my staff's faces, because a restaurant is a team thing, and for the whole team it's very much that touchy-feely thing that I could have helped them achieve such an award.
Paul RankinI believe in pride of race and lineage and self: in pride of self so deep as to scorn injustice to other selves.
W. E. B. Du BoisWherever there is any element of pride or of conceit, Jesus cannot expound a thing. He will take us through the disappointment of a wounded pride of intellect, through disappointment of heart. He will reveal inordinate affections-thin gs over which we never thought He would have to get us alone.
Oswald ChambersPride is a thing that I have tried to abandon completely. Try as I might, pride still creeps into many of the things I do.
Henry RollinsYou can't give people pride, but you can provide the kind of understanding that makes people look to their inner strengths and find their own sense of pride
Charleszetta WaddlesNature, reason, and Christianity recognize no other. Pride may say Nay; but Pride was always a liar, and a great hater of the truth.
Susanna MoodieI am a star in the firmament that observe the world, despises the world and consumed in its heat. I am the sea by night in a storm the sea shouting that accumulates new sins and to the ancient makes recompense. I am exiled from your world of pride polite, by pride defrauded, I am the king without crown. I am the passion without words without stones of the hearth, without weapons in the war, is my same force that make me sick
Hermann HesseยกLรกstima que el Amor un diccionario no tenga donde hallar cuรกndo el orgullo es simplemente orgullo y cuรกndo es dignidad! What a shame that love has no dictionary in which to ascertain when pride is simply pride and when it's 'dignity'!
Gustavo Adolfo BรฉcquerConsider, for example, and you will find that almost all the transactions in the time of Vespasian differed little from those of the present day. You there find marrying and giving in marriage, educating children, sickness, death, war, joyous holidays, traffic, agriculture, flatterers, insolent pride, suspicions, laying of plots, longing for the death of others, newsmongers, lovers, misers, men canvassing far the consulship and for the kingdom; yet all these passed away, and are nowhere.
Marcus AureliusIt's no one's fault to be born ugly, but, honestly, must it be worn as a symbol of pride?
Joan CollinsYou can't have pride without humility. Aggression without tolerance. Strength without compassion. Power without restraint.
D. J. MacHaleThose art lovers who pride themselves mostly on *taste* usually possess no other talent.
Edward AbbeyA dad is someone who wants to catch you before you fall but instead picks you up, brushes you off, and lets you try again. A dad is someone who wants to keep you from making mistakes but instead lets you find your own way, even though his heart breaks in silence when you get hurt. A dad is someone who holds you when you cry, scolds you when you break the rules, shines with pride when you succeed, and has faith in you even when you fail.
UnknownPride only, the chief of all iniquities, can make us treat gifts as if they were rightful attributes of our nature, and, while receiving benefits, rob our Benefactor of His due glory.
Bernard of ClairvauxI don't want to be a part of the demographics. I want to be an individual. I wear each of my films as a badge of pride. That's why I cherish all my bad reviews. If the critics start liking my movies, then I'm in deep trouble.
John CarpenterGod's revelation... unmasks our illusions about ourselves. It exposes our pride, our individualism, our self-centeredness - in short, our sin. But worship also offers forgiveness, healing, transformation, motivation, and courage to work in the world for God's justice and peace - in short, salvation in its largest sense.
Marva DawnI feel one of the most significant honors a player can have in his sport is to have his number retired. Certainly for me to have that at Tennessee, it's with great pride.
Peyton ManningOn the slightest touch the unsupported fabric of their pride and power fell to the ground. The expiring senate displayed a sudden lustre, blazed for a moment, and was extinguished for ever.
Edward GibbonWorkers must participate in progress to enjoy their work and take pride in its product.
George W. RomneyIn my own pursuit of God, I often became preoccupied with ME! It was easy to think that being constantly aware of my faults and weakness was humility. Itโs not! If Iโm the main subject, talking incessantly about my weaknesses, I have entered into the most subtle form of pride.
Bill JohnsonBut when they began handing out doctorates for comparative folk dancing and advanced fly-fishing, I became too stink inโ proud to use the title. I wonโt touch watered whiskey and I take no pride in watered-down degrees.
Robert A. HeinleinPride works _from within_; it is the direct appreciation of oneself. Vanity is the desire to arrive at this appreciation indirectly, from without.
Arthur SchopenhauerIf you care about yourself, you should care about learning - even learning simple things. You come to have pride in yourself only by accomplishing things, even from fixing some old stairs...Others can't grant you self-respect, even others who care about you. You have to earn self-respect yourself.
Terry GoodkindCONFIDENCE BOOSTER: Take pride in the things that make you stand out. Realize that you're better served by being authentic to yourself than by seeking out short-term praise from someone else.
Robin MeadeSo we take a lot of pride in that. It's really on us to turn this thing around. I think this last month we've done just that. We've pointed ourself in the direction that we want to be, and I think we're starting to head towards that. Right now we're in a nice rhythm.
Kevin GarnettI am often surprised when I think to count my graces, for the more I count, the more there seem to be. And if pride in my accomplishments is the emotion that I naturally feel when I focus on my gifts, gratitude is the emotion I feel as I become aware of the many graces that have shaped me and my gifts.
Susan Wittig Albert