You are you, and I am I, and if by chance we find each other, it's beautiful. If not, it can't be helped.
Frederick Salomon PerlsA thousand plastic flowers don't make a desert bloom. A thousand empty faces don't fill an empty room".
Frederick Salomon PerlsI do my thing and you do your thing. I am not in this world to live up to your expectations, And you are not in this world to live up to mine. You are you, and I am I, and if by chance we find each other, it's beautiful. If not, it can't be helped.
Frederick Salomon PerlsThe only difference between a wise man and a fool is that the wise man knows he's playing.
Frederick Salomon Perls...nobody can stand truth if it is told to him. Truth can be tolerated only if you discover it yourself because then, the pride of discovery makes the truth palatable.
Frederick Salomon PerlsThere's always a possibility of richer maturation - of taking more and more responsibility for yourself and for your life...And this is what I make you understand how much you gain by taking re-sponsibility for every emotion, every movement you make, every thought you have...We touch each other by honestly being what we are, not intentionally making contact.
Frederick Salomon PerlsSo if you find out how you prevent yourself from growing, from using your potential, you have away of increasing this, making life richer, making you more and more capable of mobilizing yourself. And our potential is based upon a very peculiar attitude: to live and review every fresh second
Frederick Salomon PerlsAs Albert Einstein once said to me: "Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity." But what is much more widespread than the actual stupidity is the playing stupid, turning off your ear, not listening, not seeing.
Frederick Salomon PerlsTo mature means to take responsibility for your life, to be on your own. Psychoanalysis fosters the infantile state by considering that the past is responsible for the illness.
Frederick Salomon PerlsI believe that any single dream contains the essential message about our existence.
Frederick Salomon PerlsOur dependency makes slaves out of us, especially if this dependency is a dependency of our self-esteem. If you need encouragement, praise, pats on the back from everybody, then you make everybody your judge.
Frederick Salomon PerlsLearning is to discover that something is possible. We are using most of our energies for self-destructiv e games, self-preventing games. We prevent ourselves from growing the very moment something unpleasant, something painful comes up. At that moment we become phobic, we run away, we desensitize ourselves. Neurotic suffering is suffering in imagination, suffering in fantasy.
Frederick Salomon PerlsHave a dialogue between the two opposing parts and you will find that they always start out fighting each other until we come to an appreciation of difference.
Frederick Salomon PerlsIf you take responsibility for what you are doing to yourself, how you produce your symptoms, how you produce your illness, how you produce your existence-the very moment you get in touch with yourself-growth begins, integration begins.
Frederick Salomon PerlsI am not in this world to live up to other people's expectations, nor do I feel that the world must live up to mine.
Frederick Salomon Perls