I train five days a week hard - but it is short and sharp - 30 to 40 minutes of functional and pretty dynamic body-strength circuits, then I do a good yoga session on the sixth day, then I rest.
Bear GryllsSome of the greatest survivors have been women. Look at the courage so many women have shown after surviving earthquakes in the rubble for days on end.
Bear GryllsThe lesson is, the rewards in life don't always go to the biggest, or the bravest, or the smartest. The rewards go to the dogged; and when your going though hell, to the person who just keeps going.
Bear GryllsI have held healthy respects of bears along with assorted crocodiles, snakes and lots of other animals. You know, bears are dangerous, you have to be super careful.
Bear GryllsI always had a really natural faith as a kid. Where I knew God existed and it felt very free and pretty wild and natural, and it wasn't religious.
Bear GryllsTime and experience have taught me that fame and money very rarely go to the worthy, by the way - hence we shouldn't ever be too impressed by either of those impostors. Value folk for who they are, how they live and what they give - that's a much better benchmark.
Bear GryllsI come from a line of self-motivated, determined folk - not grand, not high society, but no-nonsense, family-minded go-getters.
Bear GryllsThe special forces gave me the self-confidence to do some extraordinary things in my life. Climbing Everest then cemented my belief in myself.
Bear GryllsFor me, my training is a key part of my work as so often my life has depended on being able to move fast and haul myself up and out of something fast!
Bear GryllsI don't like expeditions where it is a total lottery whether you live or die. You have to keep those sort of good luck cards for rare occasions!
Bear GryllsMany great people over the centuries have depended on their faith- it is a sign of great strength to need Jesus in your life.
Bear GryllsLife doesn't reward the naturally clever or strong but those who can learn to fight and work hard and never quit.
Bear GryllsI do see a lot of the hard end of ecology, and my feeling is that we live on a super-exciting planet but a super-fragile one.
Bear GryllsThe hardest thing about my job isn't the snake bites or the crocodiles, it's being away from my children. I have a really religious satellite phone call every day back to the boys, wherever we are, whatever time zone, to say goodnight.
Bear GryllsThe difference between ordinary and extra-ordinary is so often just simply that little word - extra. And for me, I had always grown up with the belief that if someone succeeds it is because they are brilliant or talented or just better than me... and the more of these words I heard the smaller I always felt! But the truth is often very different... and for me to learn that ordinary me can achieve something extra-ordinary by giving that little bit extra, when everyone else gives up, meant the world to me and I really clung to it.
Bear GryllsAmericans are cool, if you show just a chink of vulnerability, they respond so much. They'll pat you on the arm and say, 'Hey kid, you're all right'. Brits will respond but they are much more cynical.
Bear GryllsOur fate is determined by how far we are prepared to push ourselves to stay alive - the decisions we make to survive. We must do whatever it takes to endure and make it through alive.
Bear GryllsExercise helps my back. If I don't exercise, that's when it starts to hurt. The pain is a good motivator to run and exercise.
Bear GryllsWhen I'm filming, survival requires movement. You need your energy, and you've got to eat the bad stuff, and survival food is rarely pretty, but you kind of do it. I get in that zone, and I eat the nasty stuff, but I'm not like that when I'm back home.
Bear GryllsSurvival requires us to leave our prejudices at home. It's about doing whatever it takes - and ultimately those with the biggest heart will win.
Bear GryllsWhy is it that the finish line always tends to appear just after the point at which we most want to give up? is it the universe's way of reserving the best for those who can give the most? What I do know, from nature, is that the dawn only appears after the darkest hour.
Bear GryllsThere's no magic to running far or climbing Everest. Endurance is mental strength. It's all about heart.
Bear GryllsI miss him still today: his long, whiskery eyebrows, his huge hands and hugs, his warmth, his prayers, his stories, but above all his shining example of how to live and how to die.
Bear GryllsI think fire is so critical in the wild. You can cook with it, you can make tools, you can deter a predator, you can dry your clothes and you get that element of morale that matters so much when you're stuck in the middle of nowhere.
Bear GryllsWhen you find yourself thinking about someone or something in the same old negative way, just stop yourself. Think. Check. Change. Refresh. Job done. Smile. Move on. Do this enough times and you will change. For the better; for the stronger.
Bear GryllsBeing brave isn't the absence of fear. Being brave is having that fear but finding a way through it.
Bear Grylls