I do a lot of reflection. I do. I spend a lot of time in reflection and contemplation. I guess the way the old mystics used to do. I don't do meditation. That's not for me. It's not my thing.
Caroline MyssWe all share a type of physical body that becomes ill or heals for the same reasons. We also share emotional and psychological crises common to the human experience. Everyone fears abandonment, loss and betrayal; anger is as toxic within a Jewish body as it is within a Christian, Muslim or Hindu body; and we are all drawn to love. When it comes to health of our spirits and our bodies, we have no difference.
Caroline MyssIf you don't appreciate what you have in life right now, whatever it is, you will never realize your purpose. Without appreciation, you will never become strong enough to respect yourself.
Caroline MyssIf you betray yourself, you are no different from the people who hurt you. What's the difference between those people who hurt you and what you are doing to yourself?
Caroline MyssThere is nothing easy about becoming conscious. My own life was much easier before I knew about the deeper meaning of choice, the power of choice that accompanies taking responsibility. Abdicating responsibility to an outside source can seem, at least for the moment, so much easier. Once you know better, however, you can't get away with kidding yourself for long.
Caroline MyssWe have converted our wounds into a type of relationship currency that we use in order to control situations and people.
Caroline MyssI love hanging out with my friends and family. I really, really, really love articulating original thought. That's probably my core, my biggest buzz. Because then it makes me feel like I know why I was born. Reaching original thought, where I know that I'm perceiving something that only I have seen, and I need to incarnate that. That's it right there.
Caroline MyssIt's easy to get lost in endless speculation. So today, release the need to know why things happen as they do. Instead, ask for the insight to recognize what you're meant to learn.
Caroline MyssSo long as we use comfort and security as our criteria of success, we will fear our own intuitive guidance because by its very nature it directs us into new cycles of learning that are sometimes uncomfortable.
Caroline Myss[You should] see everything about your life as a lesson. Ask, "Am I empowering myself?" Even for a tiny thing, like if you're in the grocery store and you're thinking, "Should I buy that?" And your gut says, "You know you can't eat that." If you decide not to listen, you've harmed yourself by blocking your intuitive voice.
Caroline MyssIn general, if a couple cannot expand their original rules and boundaries to accommodate personal growth, the relationship disintegrates.
Caroline MyssYou are in the depths of despair because you locked in on something or someone that didn't belong to you. I've met many people who have lost everything, especially in these times. People who survive devastating loss have the ability to let go of what they were doing, how much they were earning, and what they feel they are entitled to right now. They may well return to their former status, but their immediate task is to assess their skills and show resilience moving forward.
Caroline MyssIt is your birthright to discover your sacred contract. It will guide you to find your divine destiny.
Caroline MyssImagine what a focused human being could do in a day to make a difference in this world.
Caroline MyssI have come to believe that energy medicine is a practice of healing that is dependent upon the energy of time. Whereas allopathic medicine uses linear time as a fundamental healing measure. Energy medicine needs to understand the dynamic of chiros time, that is the time without time.
Caroline MyssOf course you battle despair. It is often a day-to-day fight, but it's one that can be won.
Caroline MyssManaging the power of choice, with all it's creative and spiritual implications, is the essence of the human experience.
Caroline MyssTherefore, when you enter into anything, as a frightened being, that contract you make with another person out of fear, has to fall apart.
Caroline MyssWhen I look at someone's face, I look beyond that face and into the cellular memory in my heart that says, 'Finally you and I have met again. And now we must find out why'.
Caroline MyssThe amount of suffering you actually can feel, you want to be able to do something about it. You want to be able to attend to it, to change the system that is making this happen. Because you are so aware of how unnecessary it is, and therein lies the deeper pain.
Caroline MyssThe spirit for me is the eternal self. And when one incarnates, an aspect comes with that incarnation, that's called the soul. And together the mind, the emotional body, and the soul form the energy field that lives within this thing called the human body.
Caroline MyssI'm working on forgiving myself for some not-so-hot choices I've made in my life. I neglected two people I loved dearly. They are both dead now and I obviously can do nothing to repair or change that, and I grieve every day for those choices. That grief can be paralyzing, but it has made me understand the pain of holding on to unfinished business. In my case, I had put work first. I will never do that again. Having made that choice, I find the grief in my heart finally abating. Now I teach the need to forgive yourself and others relentlessly.
Caroline MyssI think every part of our lives begins at an energetic level. Like creativity. You can't separate anything from that archetypal process.
Caroline MyssWhen your life begins to harm you, know that you have taken a detour from your true path.
Caroline MyssI don't want to ever, ever give that kind of pain to one living mortal. And I will not give that thought power in my life. That's my practice.
Caroline MyssNone of us needs instruction in how to recognize what your heart is saying. We do need guidance, however, on how to have the courage to follow those feelings, since they will force us to change our lives in any case. But consider the consequences of not listening to the heart's guidance: depression, confusion, and the wretched feeling that we are not on our life's true path, but viewing it from a distance.
Caroline MyssThrough the years of my life, the older I've gotten, the more sensitive I've become to the suffering of people and to my inability to really fix that. I wish that proportion was different. I wish I could help more. Unfortunately, that's not how the equation is working out here.
Caroline MyssIt doesn't matter what you choose, what matters is the energy with which you choose it.
Caroline MyssWhen you approach intuitive methods with respect, you become open to hearing from your interior channels.
Caroline MyssBeing of service is not an option, it is a biological necessity. Every kind of action we do for someone is a reanimation of our own life force - and of the other person's.
Caroline MyssGrant me the grace to dissolve my negative thoughts about myself today. I breathe the grace of kindness into my heart. And may the grace of healing flow abundantly to every one in need of help.
Caroline MyssI think that the practice of medicine, the science of it, has become 50% pharmacological, so that doctors are like walking pharmacies.
Caroline MyssI'm not born here to have a personality. I'm here to have a spirit. Each of us is born with a purpose for being alive.
Caroline MyssFinding the right healing path requires all or nothing. Once you place conditions on healing, all you can achieve is conditional healing.
Caroline Myss