People who recognize that money won't buy happiness are still willing to see if credit cards will do the trick.
Charles E. McKenzieIn a bureaucracy, they shoot the bull, pass the buck, and make seven copies of everything.
Charles E. McKenzieSign on a High School bulletin board in Dallas: Free every Monday through Friday-knowledge. Bring your own containers.
Charles E. McKenzieThe biggest farce of man's history has been the argument that wars are fought to save civilization.
Charles E. McKenzieIsn't it wonderful how dogs can win friends and influence people without ever reading a book.
Charles E. McKenziePlaying golf is like raising children. You keep thinking you'll do better next time.
Charles E. McKenzieSchoolteachers are not fully appreciated by parents until it rains all day Saturday.
Charles E. McKenzieBureaucrats live on the fat of the land, while the rest of us stay skinny laboring to pay their salaries.
Charles E. McKenzie