There are a lot of people who must have the table laid in the usual fashion or they will not enjoy the dinner.
Christopher MorleyBlessed is the satirist; and blessed the ironist; blessed the witty scoffer, and blessed the sentimentalist; for each, having seen one spoke of the wheel, thinks to have seen all, and is content.
Christopher MorleyWhen Abraham Lincoln was murdered The one thing that interested Matthew Arnold Was that the assassin shouted in Latin As he lept on the stage This convinced Matthew There was still hope for America.
Christopher MorleyBeauty is ever to the lonely mind a shadow fleeting; she is never plain. She is a visitor who leaves behind the gift of grief, the souvenir of pain.
Christopher MorleyRead, every day, something no one else is reading. Think, every day, something no one else is thinking. Do, every day, something no one else would be silly enough to do. It is bad for the mind to continually be part of unanimity.
Christopher MorleyTruth is what every man sees lurking at the bottom of his own soul, like the oyster shell housewives put in the kitchen kettle to collect the lime from the water. By and by each man's iridescent oyster shell of Truth becomes coated with the lime of prejudice and hearsay.
Christopher MorleyFriendships do not grow up in any carefully tended and contemplated fashion.... They begin haphazard.
Christopher MorleyEverybody thinks of others as being excessively human, with all the frailties and crotchets appertaining to that curious condition. But each of us also seems to regard himself as existing on a detached plane of observation, exempt (save in moments of avid crisis) from the strange whims of humanity en masse.
Christopher MorleyAll cities are mad: but the madness is gallant. All cities are beautiful: but the beauty is grim.
Christopher MorleyIn every man's heart there is a secret nerve that answers to the vibrations of beauty.
Christopher MorleyA mind too proud to unbend over the small ridiculosa of life is as painful as a library with no trash in it.
Christopher MorleyWhen you sell a man a book you don't sell just twelve ounces of paper and ink and glue - you sell him a whole new life. Love and friendship and humour and ships at sea by night - there's all heaven and earth in a book, a real book.
Christopher MorleyMy prayer is that what we have gone through [World War One] will startle the world into some new realization of the sanctity of life, animal as well as human.
Christopher MorleyDancing is a wonderful training for girls, it's the first way you learn to guess what a man is going to do before he does it.
Christopher MorleyPoetry comes with anger, hunger and dismay; it does not often visit groups of citizens sitting down to be literary together, and would appal them if it did.
Christopher MorleyMen talk of "finding God," but no wonder it is difficult; He is hidden in that darkest hiding-place, your heart. You yourself are a part of Him.
Christopher MorleyPerhaps this is an age when men think bravely of the human spirit; for surely they have a strange lust to lay it bare.
Christopher MorleyThe most interesting persons are always those who have nothing special to do: children, nurses, policemen and actors at 11 o'clock in the morning.
Christopher MorleyThe greatest poem ever known Is one all poets have outgrown: The poetry, innate, untold, Of being only four years old.
Christopher MorleyWe visit bookshops not so often to buy any one special book, but rather to rediscover, in the happier and more expressive words of others, our own encumbered soul.
Christopher MorleyWe call a child's mind 'small' simply by habit; perhaps it is larger than ours is, for it can take in almost anything without effort.
Christopher MorleyThere is no mistaking a real book when one meets it. It is like falling in love, and like that colossal adventure it is an experience of great social import. Even as the tranced swain, the booklover yearns to tell others of his bliss. He writes letters about it, adds it to the postscript of all manner of communications, intrudes it into telephone messages, and insists on his friends writing down the title of the find. Like the simple-hearted betrothed, once certain of his conquest
Christopher MorleyReligion is an attempt, a noble attempt, to suggest in human terms more-than-human realities.
Christopher MorleyMan is unconquerable because he can make even his helplessness so entertaining. His motto seems to be "Even though He slay me, yet will I make fun of Him!
Christopher MorleyThe evening papers print what they do and get away with it because by afternoon the human mind is ruined anyhow.
Christopher MorleyBeing in a hurry seems so fiercely important when you yourself are the hurrier and so comically ludicrous when it is someone else.
Christopher MorleyI wish there could be an international peace conference of booksellers, for (you will smile at this) my own conviction is that the future happiness of the world depends in no small measure on them and on the librarians.
Christopher MorleyA doctor is advertised by the bodies he cures. My business is advertised by the minds I stimulate. And let me tell you that the book business is different from other trades. People don't know they want books. I can see just by looking at you that your mind is ill for lack of books but you are blissfully unaware of it!
Christopher MorleyWhy do they put the Gideon Bibles only in the bedrooms, where it's usually too late...?
Christopher MorleyIf we discovered that we only had five minutes left to say all that we wanted to say, every telephone booth would be occupied by people calling other people to stammer that they loved them.
Christopher MorleyIt is unfair to blame man too fiercely for being pugnacious; he learned the habit from Nature.
Christopher MorleyThey go in [to the library] not because they need any certain volume but because they feel that there may be some book that needs them.
Christopher MorleyThe world, in its sheer exuberance of kindness, will try to bury the poet with warm and lovely human trivialities. It will even ask him to autograph books.
Christopher Morley