In both Surfing the Himalayas and Snowboarding to Nirvana, I have tried to transmit as best I could the spirit of humor, and the sense of humor of the monks I have encountered.
Frederick LenzAll things are void. So how possibly could there be any obscurations since everything is void, when you're void itself? There's only the void. In the void, there's only shining, perfect clear light of reality.
Frederick LenzWhen I play sports, when I dance, when I teach mysticism, I cannot explain, even to myself, how I do what I do.
Frederick LenzYou need to turn your room into a place of power. It's a good idea to have flowers around, candles, incense, you know, happy things. Make your room into a beautiful place and keep it impeccably clean.
Frederick LenzPeople who are capable of practicing tantra are individuals who have meditated for many, many years and developed very strong and powerful states of attention.
Frederick LenzIngnore your thoughts. As you focus more intensely, you may feel as if you are floating.
Frederick LenzThe kundalini runs through you. It runs through the ida and the pingala, the two nerve channels in the subtle body; but there's a central channel, the shushumna, which is blocked. When it runs through that, then you can use the mystical kundalini.
Frederick LenzThe perceiver of the dream, the one whom the dream is unfolding before, is what we call the Self.
Frederick LenzEnter into the activities of the world, without getting overjoyed by success or totally put out by failure. Whether they love you or hate you, it doesn't much matter. What matters is stillness.
Frederick LenzWe don't live forever. We have a limited energy. You have to determine those things that you direct your energy towards, otherwise you get yourself in too many places and nothing succeeds.
Frederick LenzThe reason you study with a teacher is primarily for the empowerments, for someone who is enlightened to transfer power to you. What is most important is that the student uses that power intelligently and wisely.
Frederick LenzIf you live for a very long while, you will have to watch your friends and loved ones die, your body age and lose its beauty and vigor, and your mental capacities fade.
Frederick LenzPeople who work to bring about perfection see work as an extension of themselves. The point is to do a good job. That will empower you. To do a poor job will make you weaker.
Frederick LenzWhenever I work with anyone, it is an opportunity for them to become more professional and do something for someone else.
Frederick LenzYou'll find that you will be able to reorder the island of your tonal so that it's in good shape - logical, orderly, neat, and well-defined.
Frederick LenzHappiness will come through the practice of yoga and Buddhism, that happiness is not something you will lose at the end of this lifetime. It will stay with you.
Frederick LenzUse career to develop yourself. Have fun with it. Dedicate your activities and your career, to eternity, and to enlightenment.
Frederick LenzIn Buddhism you study how to release the kundalini to the levels that would certainly afford career success. If we move it further, into the planes of knowledge and wisdom, it enables the practitioner to do just about anything.
Frederick LenzThe universe is perfection. But there are different views that universe provides for itself to view itself. Beyond all views there is nirvana.
Frederick LenzPlants can help you they have a very strong vibrational force. If you've made friends with several of them, they will come and aid you when you've reached that critical moment and you're at a crossroads of knowledge.
Frederick LenzMost people are taught from an early age on, to conceive of themselves as losers. They are taught that there are a very special few who are eminently successful in life.
Frederick LenzThe greatest miracle is the miracle of wakefulness, to awaken from the dream of life and to see infinity everywhere, even in the finite, in the simple doings of life.
Frederick LenzThere are a lot of human beings out there who are very hostile towards anything that rocks their perceptual boat.
Frederick LenzSelf is the perception of perception. Beyond self there's no perception of perception.
Frederick LenzTo know that these are people who for a moment, in glory, in light, were true warriors, and you had the chance to associate with them, to live with them, to share with them, words and moments of power - this is the nature of spiritual study.
Frederick LenzThere is no reason not to love. There is no reason not to be joyous. There is no reason not to celebrate because all of this means nothing, absolutely nothing. So why not be happy?
Frederick LenzDon't worry about your future lives, past lives. Button up your shirt! Stand up straight! Go out and do something. Go out and have some fun. Be alive, change, dissolve, explode!
Frederick LenzThe attainment of enlightenment makes you happy forever. It frees you from the mental and emotional pains that human beings experience every day. You live in a condition of ecstasy, brightness and joy all of the time.
Frederick LenzThe abuse of power that seems to create the most unhappiness is when a person uses personal power to get ahead without regards to the welfare of others, or when power is used to go into the lower dimensional planes.
Frederick LenzYou're not capable of stepping into nirvana at this time. If you did it would be disastrous. You're tonal would be swamped.
Frederick LenzYou have to learn to be very, very gentle to start with - with yourself eventually. Meditation is not something that you force. It is something that happens to you because life gives you a gift.
Frederick LenzThe good news is that you don't have to stop thoughts completely to meditate. It takes a long time to stop thought impeccably. What you need is to detach yourself from thought.
Frederick LenzOne of my greatest personal heroes is Jerry Lopez. When you can snowboard like he surfs, you'll be there!
Frederick LenzIf you are having sex with someone who is not on the same frequency that you are on, it can be very problematic. The greatest karmic transfer occurs in having sex with someone.
Frederick LenzWhen you deal with people, it tends to drag your energy down - if those people are in a lower auric state than you. If you meditate and they don't, then by the end of the day you tend to be more drained.
Frederick LenzWe throw you as many as you want, in this profession, and the more you want the more we'll give you, until you're so confused that you'll just beg for us to stop. Stop what? You're the one who started it - you're doing it anyway.
Frederick LenzEverything that you have done has led up to what you are now. Everything you do now will lead up to what you will be.
Frederick LenzZazen's music is composed in other dimensions and it is played by some of my students. I go through the music they have played with my aura and wash out anything impure.
Frederick LenzWho's to say what's right or wrong? The courts and the society can be totally wrong. Nazi Germany, what did they say was the right thing to do? To destroy and burn Jews.
Frederick LenzPass the popcorn, please. Life is a film, theatre, a theatre of the soul. We play different roles on different stages. At death, we walk offstage. At birth, we walk onstage.
Frederick LenzThere are lots of people who work out and aren't at all powerful in terms of their mind or their spirits.
Frederick LenzWe get so involved with the latest craze or having the latest car or the most high-powered house that we lose touch with that which makes us happy - what makes us happy are quiet states of mind.
Frederick LenzAvoidance of experiences is a fixation and it binds you to the world, it binds you to the personal self.
Frederick Lenz