Be conscious of the way people take your energy and learn how to stop it. Accept that this goes on. Observe how you feel around other people.
Frederick LenzThe karma that is most interesting is the mental karma because ultimately it generates physical action.
Frederick LenzYou may have thousands of lives to go between now and before you're a real hard-core seeker of enlightenment, hardcore meaning you just love it.
Frederick LenzKeep the deepest feelings of your heart to yourself. They tend to stay more pure if you do. There is a wisdom to that.
Frederick LenzThose who seek liberation want to go beyond individualized perception. The essence of their being wants to dissolve back into the cosmos.
Frederick LenzThere are dark forces in the world that would have you believe that you can't succeed and that you're a failure and that you're evil and all this nonsense.
Frederick LenzDon't try to hold people to you, don't try to push them away. Let life do everything for you. This is the proper attitude on the path of love.
Frederick LenzWe have a spiritual community but everyone lives where they want to. I recommend certain areas to live because of their power.
Frederick LenzYou start meditation as an average human being who is filled with vagueness and not much purpose or definition, who is controlled by their desires, your mind spins all over the place, your senses spin all over the place, out of control.
Frederick LenzThen on the other piece of paper, list all the people you know who are taking more than they're adding. Include people from the past.
Frederick LenzAll things are spiritual. It doesn't matter what you do or who you are or what kind of blue jeans you wear, or whether you wear an ochre robe or whether you're sober or asleep or dreaming. It's all the same.
Frederick LenzThe essence of all reincarnation is to have the best lifetime now that you've ever had, no matter what's going on.
Frederick LenzGood and bad karma are just ways of evaluating causal experience. What you do affects your attention field.
Frederick LenzNow imagine that you are going beneath the surface of the ocean. Below the surface all is calm, silent, and serene. As you visualize yourself going deeper and deeper into the depths of the ocean, feel that a profound peace is entering you.
Frederick LenzThe essence of your awareness field definitely goes on after death. It goes through death, it goes into non-physical states for a time, and then eventually is pulled back and it reincarnates.
Frederick LenzMost people lead lives of frustration and disapointment. They enjoy temporary pleasures and long-lasting suffering.
Frederick LenzThe problem with love is attachment; love makes you dependent. Unattached love - you love for the hell of it.
Frederick LenzSexuality is the primary focus of our culture, and almost no one has come to resolve it.
Frederick LenzWhatever you want you can get, when you understand the secret of will. But wisdom is needed so that you do not use your will abusively because you'll get hurt.
Frederick LenzThe process is not simply of constructing a new tonal from scratch, but reordering the one you have.
Frederick LenzA person of knowledge and power never goes out looking for battles. All their battles are within.
Frederick LenzEveryone has sunk on this plane to such a low state of consciousness, it is the natural state. We have deviated so far from the norm in this age of darkness.
Frederick LenzOur purpose in this life is to gain the view of ourselves; otherwise, we are total slaves to others who psychically drain us, abuse us.
Frederick LenzOnly one who has achieved immortality of awareness can laugh with life and laugh with death.
Frederick LenzEntities have died, but what they seek is life again. They miss it. They want to experience food again, basic things. They are low on the evolutionary scale. They want to experience the joy of destroying something.
Frederick LenzA war is an incarnation. A battle is a day of your life. So we do one day at a time in self-discovery.
Frederick LenzOnce you become very powerful and advanced, you must be willing to go back to school and start over, and go to a wise person who will show you the way. Very few people are willing to do that.
Frederick LenzThe world appears solid to most people. It is filled with their pain, their desires, their private ecstasies, their expectations. They are that world - nothing glows.
Frederick LenzI have had several offers to make the book into a film. I don't know if the message could be accurately transmitted, and so I have been somewhat hesitant in granting film rights.
Frederick LenzWhen you can command the nagual you have a great deal of power, and people know it intuitively. They feel if they can plunge themselves into the nagual they can get anything they want in the tonal.
Frederick LenzMy particular focus at the moment is on the development of genetic algorithms and neural networks that work together to create computer architectural systems.
Frederick LenzYou draw the mystical kundalini from the earth. Earth is an element. Fire, air, earth, water, and ether - the mystical kundalini comes through them all.
Frederick LenzReincarnation is an apprehension of a movement and the movement occurs in time. Without time, there is no reincarnation. Reincarnation is a reflection of time in this world.
Frederick LenzKnowledge comes from personal experience of truth and awareness, not from conversation.
Frederick LenzPersonality is a manifestation of ego. Ego is the central sense of separateness that a person has from the rest of the universe. Personality is the form that that separateness take.
Frederick LenzIf you are finding that you can stop thought longer and longer, I would say your life is bringing power into your being. You are gaining things out from that field behind the house.
Frederick LenzThe causal body is the part of you that lives forever. It is ancient and complicated. It has lived through countless lives in both this and in other worlds.
Frederick LenzThere are different pathways - be it Zen, tantra, karma yoga, or jnana yoga. Different ways have been devised to do the same thing for different types of people according to their temperament.
Frederick LenzThere are no problems, there is only confusion. When confusion passes away, there is only happiness. Happiness is not complicated at all.
Frederick LenzThe school of awareness is the school of mysticism. Mysticism is the experience of eternity, of that which lies beyond the physical phenomenal experience.
Frederick LenzI recommend for everyone the study of some type of sports or athletics, particularly martial arts. Always check with your doctor first, naturally.
Frederick LenzThe dream is so thick; the Maya is so thick. There's no magic as long as there's all this thought. So the first condition for the practice of higher magic is the stopping of thought.
Frederick Lenz