It is possible to read the history of this country as one long struggle to extend the liberties established in our Constitution to everyone in America.
Molly IvinsWe often seem to be swimming through such a miasma of sexual violence - in advertising, television programming, heavy metal, rap, films, and worst of all, in the home - that even First Amendment absolutists sometimes daydream about how nice it would be to have government-as-nanny just outlaw all this effluent.
Molly IvinsCalifornia is now close to spending more on prisons than it does on higher education - surely the death warrant of a civilization.
Molly IvinsPersonally, I think government is a tool, like a hammer. You can use a hammer to build or you can use a hammer to destroy; there is nothing intrinsically good or evil about the hammer itself. It is the purposes to which it is put and the skill with which it is used that determine whether the hammer's work is good or bad.
Molly IvinsI have been attacked by Rush Limbaugh on the air, an experience somewhat akin to being gummed by a newt. It doesn't actually hurt, but it leaves you with slimy stuff on your ankle.
Molly IvinsI don't so much mind that newspapers are dying - it's watching them commit suicide that pisses me off.
Molly IvinsNext time I tell you someone from Texas should not be president of the United States, please pay attention.
Molly IvinsWhat you need is sustained outrage...there's far too much unthinking respect given to authority.
Molly IvinsBe outrageous, ridicule the fraidy-cats, rejoice in all the oddities that freedom can produce.
Molly IvinsI still believe in Hope - mostly because there's no such place as Fingers Crossed, Arkansas.
Molly IvinsWe've had trickle down economics in the country for ten years now, and most of us aren't even damp yet.
Molly IvinsIn Texas, we do not hold high expectations for the [governor's] office; it's mostly been occupied by crooks, dorks and the comatose.
Molly IvinsAs for George Bush of Kennebunkport, Maine- personally I think he's further evidence that the Great Scriptwriter in the Sky has an overdeveloped sense of irony.
Molly IvinsSatire is traditionally the weapon of the powerless against the powerful. I only aim at the powerful. When satire is aimed at the powerless, it is not only cruel -- it's vulgar.
Molly Ivinsno one has ever accused Texas of being in the vanguard of social progress. This is the most macho state in the U.S. of A. By lore, legend, and fact, Texas is 'hell' on women and horses.
Molly IvinsWhen Michael Jackson, a poor black boy who grew up to be a rich, white woman, married Elvis Presley's daughter the Scientologist. Makes you proud to be an American, dudn't it?
Molly IvinsThere are two kinds of humor. One kind that makes us chuckle about our foibles and our shared humanity -- like what Garrison Keillor does. The other kind holds people up to public contempt and ridicule -- that's what I do. Satire is traditionally the weapon of the powerless against the powerful. I only aim at the powerful. When satire is aimed at the powerless, it is not only cruel -- it's vulgar.
Molly IvinsDuring a recent panel on the numerous failures of American journalism, I proposed that almost all stories about government should begin: โLook out! They're about to smack you around again!
Molly IvinsAny nation that can survive what we have lately in the way of government, is on the high road to permanent glory.
Molly IvinsMargaret Atwood, the Canadian novelist, once asked a group of women at a university why they felt threatened by men. The women said they were afraid of being beaten, raped, or killed by men. She then asked a group of men why they felt threatened by women. They said they were afraid women would laugh at them.
Molly IvinsSo keep fightin' for freedom and justice, beloveds, but don't you forget to have fun doin' it. Lord, let your laughter ring forth. Be outrageous, ridicule the fraidy-cats, rejoice in all the oddities that freedom can produce.
Molly IvinsI believe all Southern liberals come from the same starting point--race. Once you figure out they are lying to you about race, you start to question everything.
Molly IvinsYou could probably prove, by judicious use of logarithms and congruent triangles, that real life is a lot more like soap opera than most people will admit.
Molly IvinsEither we figure out how to keep corporate cash out of the political system or we lose the democracy.
Molly IvinsNice is a pallid virtue. Not like honesty or courage or perseverance. On the other hand, in a nation notably lacking in civility, there is much to be said for nice.
Molly IvinsThe thing is this: You got to have fun while you're fightin' for freedom, 'cause you don't always win.
Molly IvinsI often plagiarize from myself. I like to think of this as ecological journalism: I recycle.
Molly IvinsSome days, I'd feel better with Punxsutawney Phil in the Oval Office - at least he doesn't lie about the weather.
Molly IvinsYou look at the large problems that we face - that would be overpopulation, water shortages, global warming and AIDS, I suppose - all of that needs international cooperation to be solved.
Molly IvinsThe recent death of Gene McCarthy reminded me of a lesson I spent a long, long time unlearning, so now I have to re-learn it. It's about political courage and heroes, and when a country is desperate for leadership. There are times when regular politics will not do, and this is one of those times.
Molly Ivinsnothing like a few restful weeks contemplating the decline of civilization to restore the humors. What I did on my summer vacation was listen to a lot of people talk about the decline of practically everything - you could call it the leisure of the theory class.
Molly IvinsOn a personal note: I have contracted an outstanding case of breast cancer, from which I intend to recover. I don't need get-well cards, but I would like the beloved women readers to do something for me: Go. Get. The. Damn. Mammogram. Done.
Molly IvinsThe thing about democracy, beloveds, is that it is not neat, orderly, or quiet. It requires a certain relish for confusion.
Molly IvinsThis is the man (Ronald Reagan) who proved that ignorance is no handicap to the presidency
Molly IvinsWe've got the emPHAsis on the wrong sylLAble when it comes to crime in this country. The FBI says burglary and robbery cost U.S. taxpayers $3.8 billion annually. Securities fraud alone costs four times that. And securities fraud is nothing to the cost of oil spills, price-fixing, and dangerous or defective products. Fraud by health-care corporations alone costs us between $100 billion and $400 billion a year. No three-strikes-and-you're-out for these guys. Remember the S&L scandal? $500 billion.
Molly Ivins