There's something about the American people: They have such an innate sense of fairness that the red light goes on and the bells go off the second you approach that line. Any kind of personal attack is verboten. You shouldn't do it; it's not worth it.
Roger AilesGrowing up in Ohio and just being kind of an average guy from flyover country - my dad was a factory guy - I try to put things on a screen that reflect reality. I don't mind if people want to argue with that, or think that's crazy.
Roger AilesIn the Rather/Bush incident, it was totally unfair. CBS was trying him and convicting him and trying to execute him on national television. They had made up their minds. CBS made the fatal error of trying to become the political opposition to George Bush. And, when they did that, they put themselves in an arena where they can get knocked on their fanny.
Roger AilesIf you want to get unpaid media coverage, you had better be quotable. It's an interesting problem, because very few candidates are quotable.
Roger AilesThey [NPR] are, of course, Nazis. They have a kind of Nazi attitude. They are the left wing of Nazism. These guys don't want any other point of view. They don't even feel guilty using tax dollars to spout their propaganda. They are basically Air America with government funding to keep them alive.
Roger AilesI hire people who can do their jobs and who will advise me of things they don't agree with. The worst thing you can do is get in a room with 14 people who say, "OK!" Then you really are making decisions about engineering and finance and other areas.
Roger AilesI think the media is dangerously close to creating their own product. They used to cover the product, which was whatever's happening.
Roger AilesAs long asthe audience or the public perceives you to be sincere in your approach and not petty, they will think it's fair and they will wait for the other person's response. But if they sense it's petty or the slightest bit unfair, they'll turn on you right away.
Roger AilesDoes Rupert like me? I think so, but it doesn't matter. When I go up to the magic room in the sky every three months, if my numbers are right, I get to live. If not, I'm killed. Our relationship isn't about love-it's about arithmetic. Survival means hitting your numbers. I've met or exceeded mine in 56 straight quarters. The reason is: I treat Rupert's money like it is mine.
Roger AilesIf you're running far behind in the polls and you decide to use comparative advertising, you have to be able to explain to the people why the incumbent shouldn't have then ob.
Roger AilesIf you have a choice between qualifications and personal qualities when it comes to hiring people, go with personal qualities. You can teach them the job.
Roger AilesI would advise people occasionally to take the media on, but only when you know it's a manufactured product and not a news interview.
Roger AilesAn enormous problem with paid media, especially at the congressional level, is it all starts to look alike.
Roger AilesCandidates rarely win battles with the media, and unless you really know what you're doing you should not tangle with them. The exception is when you know this is a search-and- destroy mission on the part of the media and your case is very strong, you are very articulate, you know what you're trying to accomplish - and you have no alternatives.
Roger AilesI'm very confident in the management team, very confident in the on-air people. That's the whole secret to everything. It's having people who love to work where they're working and want to win.
Roger AilesIt also has to do with how you look and how you sound. If you look like a mean SOB who's putting the other person down, that's different than if you're inquiring about the process they go through to make a decision on behalf of the public.
Roger AilesYou cover the bad news about America. You do. But you don't get up in the morning hating your country. And so, until somebody shows me lines at the border trying to get out, I think there's some good news.
Roger AilesAnybody's position on an issue, anything they've said about an issue, and any way they've voted on an issue is fair game. You have every right to question that and go after it aggressively.
Roger AilesWhen the media gets into creating their own product and then deciding to cover it, they are becoming part of the process and, therefore, could be damaged.
Roger AilesFighting with the media almost always is a mistake. You can't win the argument, the media has the last word, and most times your argument is not justified.
Roger AilesReporters may be friendly-but if you get through life without having a reporter as a friend, that may be an advantage. If you insist on having one as a friend, don't do interviews with him.
Roger AilesI think I have a good eye for talent. I think I'm smart enough to figure out what the mission is and achieve it. I achieve it by hiring good people.
Roger AilesI can't stand cruel people. And if I see people doing something mean to somebody else just to make themselves feel important, it really gets me mad.
Roger AilesIf you are a good communicator, be unique: put yourself in your own commercials and do something a little different. To the extent you can focus on what it is you want to change, what it is you know how to change, and what it is you think will make life better for other people, you're going to do better.
Roger AilesTo be successful, you've got to get the kind of torque that's created by a push and a pull.
Roger AilesObama's the one who never worked a day in his life. He never earned a penny that wasn't public money. How many fund-raisers does he attend every week? How often does he play basketball and golf? I wish I had that kind of time.
Roger AilesPhrase it in an interesting way; don't phrase it in a mean or unfriendly way. Bob Dole said that if there's anything he would have done differently, he would have said [to George Bush] "Start telling the truth about my record" instead of "Stop lying about my record." Frankly, had he done that, life might be different for Bob Dole today.
Roger AilesIf you're running because you want a job that's prestigious or because you have this vague knowledge that you're better than everybody else, you're easier to beat.
Roger AilesJust because someone thinks he is being attacked by the media doesn't mean he is. Many times the media actually is being fair, and they're attacking for good reason.
Roger AilesMy doctor told me that I'm old, fat, and ugly, but none of those things is going to kill me immediately.
Roger AilesShow me a man or woman with a mission, and I'll show you somebody that's tougher to beat.
Roger AilesYou can't sell a book in America if you don't dump on Bush. That's the cheapest shot in the world. You cannot get an advance, and you can't sell a book because the publishers are all people who hate Bush and hate Republicans.
Roger AilesYou've got to attract interest in your candidate. The problem when you're running far behind is that you've got to move through those positive phases very quickly. Then, you have to draw attention to the other guy. You've got to create interest in why you differ from him and you've got to create a desire to remove him.
Roger AilesAlmost everything I do is related to my ability to hire good people. I don't take much of the credit myself. I think I have a good eye.
Roger AilesIn general, I think man-on-the- street ads and endorsement spots are having less and less effect on people. The electorate's getting very sophisticated, and they want to make their own judgments.
Roger AilesDon't back off on traditional values. It's important to show respect and tolerance for others, but they must show the same respect for your values. Tolerance is a two-way street.
Roger AilesI love rich people. Any time I needed a job, I went to a rich person. I like poor people, but they never had a job for me.
Roger AilesI think it's unrealistic to believe that somewhere in outer space two big rocks crashed together with a bang and now I have a wonderful family, freedom, and opportunity." We're gathered here with love and fellowship and friends. You can bang rocks together all you want; you cannot create what we have here. Maybe God can create life from big bangs, but rocks can't.
Roger Ailes