It is better when you are in the world. You know how much pain there is. You can tell how established you are in the light. To remove yourself from the things you desire or things you find difficult to deal with is no answer.
Frederick LenzThe essence of all practice is to be cool. Life is not worth getting excited about because whatever you perceive is an illusion.
Frederick LenzYou need to have the humility to accept your limitations as long as they're there, and have the humility to accept their end when that time comes.
Frederick LenzThe main reason people fail is they become attached to others who hold them back. Letting go of others and going forward may seem like a lonely and impossible task, but I assure you it is not.
Frederick LenzWe are going to alter the structure of our beings and also totally change what we are. This is the possibility and inevitability that meditation offers us.
Frederick LenzNirvikalpa samadhi is a state of no mind, beyond the ten thousand states of mind, where there is nothing but perfection, where the self no longer exists...the ego dissolves into immortality.
Frederick LenzTo assume that wealth or sexuality or the usage of power, any of these things are not void in nature, gives them a reality they don't actually have.
Frederick LenzIf you allow people, places and things, to pass through your mind during meditation, you will pull in all those other auras and you be much more confused and dissociated than you were prior to your meditation experience.
Frederick LenzMindfulness is paying attention to what is going on. Just look at beauty. Not just the beauty of things you see with your eyes, but beautiful feelings, beautiful awareness. There is no such thing as reality. Reality is what you make it.
Frederick LenzMy travels to the Far East occurred primarily during the 1960's. Naturally, I have returned many times since. Of course, there was concern from my family that I was traveling to far distant lands to accomplish snowboarding activities that no one had tried yet.
Frederick LenzIf you are happier than you have ever been, then your power is increasing. But is it a fast a rate of climb as you would like?
Frederick LenzThe way to win the race is not to trip somebody else. Simply have more energy. You will not only have a greater chance of winning; but whether you win or lose, you'll be happy.
Frederick LenzTo think that this is the only universe, that the physical creation is all there is, these are the dogmas of our times.
Frederick LenzSince you're going to die anyway, why not go do whatever it is you are in the mood to do. To postpone anything is ridiculous, if it's important to you.
Frederick LenzThe nagual gives you the unknown; it gives you reality; it leads you to the totality of yourself.
Frederick LenzDo not be selfish and feel new people will take more of the teacher's attention and you won't get it. That's nonsense. With that attitude, you won't get it. The teacher sees that attitude and will have very little to do with you.
Frederick LenzThe secret teaching was the bodhisattva ideal, to live for others, for the welfare of all beings. That's enlightenment, not some flashy state of luminosity.
Frederick LenzWhen you are in a condition of light everything is ecstatic, everything is joyous, everything is beautiful. Your attention field is subtle. The ego is quiet. The mind is still. Your heart is happy.
Frederick LenzDon't worry about techniques. Don't worry about chakras. Instead, concern yourself with finding the dharma and meditate. Then the kundalini will release.
Frederick LenzI was very fortunate, and have always been, that the women I met and fell in love with were exceptional, from my first girlfriend to the woman I married when I was 21, to all the remarkable women I have known as either friends or lovers.
Frederick LenzI am a lot of different things to a lot of different people. Aren't we all? I teach meditation to many different types of people, you mentioned celebrities. I also teach meditation to many people who are not famous, but are, in my eyes, very important.
Frederick LenzFocus on the center of the chest, relax. Imagine a rose there. Feel it unfolding. Let yourself go and ignore your thoughts.
Frederick LenzMeditation is a violent act of separation from mass consciousness and direct access to power.
Frederick LenzIf you pursue meditation with a non-competitive attitude, with a hopeful and helpful attitude, without violence, then you will find that you will become a very benign and powerful being, one who is at peace with himself and the universe.
Frederick LenzThe most knowledgeable person is not necessarily the person who runs the government, nor the church, nor the business.
Frederick LenzIt is not necessary to wrap people up. The reason you're doing it is because you don't have enough power. If you had enough power, you could unlock your own personal power - you wouldn't need to control others.
Frederick LenzYou must have tremendous power of focus to direct your life and not allow all these variant forces, different vibrations, to enter you.
Frederick LenzYou can do anything. You can perform miracles, but it won't fulfill you. What will fulfill you is the stillness of eternity.
Frederick LenzKnow that life, which does everything perfectly, is now moving you in a new direction. The chess piece of your existence is being moved to a new square on the board of life.
Frederick LenzI would suggest your awareness is your karma. How you feel generates your level of attention.
Frederick LenzFocus your attention around the naval area, feel that spot. Visualize it. Do whatever it takes. When thoughts come in and out of your mind, pay no attention. You just stay right on that spot!
Frederick LenzWho is so brave and so noble that they could hurl themselves at infinity without any question, with complete trust and complete certainty that that infinity will destroy them forever?
Frederick LenzIf you are trying to aid people in the process of self-discovery, what you have to do is confound them with so many concepts that are contradictory, yet each make complete sense in its own right.
Frederick LenzYou can live in the world and have all the myriad experiences that life has to offer and yoke your awareness field to the planes of light, and eventually to nirvana itself.
Frederick LenzYou have to elevate yourself to that point and bring your mind into the Godhead, into nirvana, into that perfect and pure radiant knowledge. It will not come to you. It never does.
Frederick LenzTry and stop your thoughts. Be patient and then the kundalini will flow through you and bring about substantial changes in your awareness.
Frederick LenzYou don't have to take drugs to be happy. You don't have to drink to be happy. You don't have to have people around you who love you to be happy. You don't need anything except the clarity of your own mind.
Frederick LenzMolecules don't have patterns. You create a pattern by the perception of something. The continuity of awareness is your perceptual field. Existence only occurs through the act of perception.
Frederick LenzLife is just masturbation in a sense, mentally. What people do is they just create a world out of their self-reflection.
Frederick Lenz