You want to be happy; of course, that isn't how you get to be happy; because if you want to be happy, you are going to be sitting around being unhappy because you're not happy.
Frederick LenzPower is the active force in life. It is the force that makes awareness. The general term for spiritual power is kundalini. Kundalini is the energy of life that creates awareness.
Frederick LenzOne of the wonderful things about the computer is that it allows us to sit at home and either write a book or a computer program. Then we can send that program or book to companies that specialize in reproducing them and distributing them.
Frederick LenzDimensionality only exists because the mind can perceive life that way, but that's only one simple method that the mind has for perceiving itself, for perceiving life.
Frederick LenzIf you meditate, you can experience the other worlds, the far-flung eternities and dimensions - and you are not stuck in any one of them.
Frederick LenzYou can measure your power in your ability to stop thought. The longer you can stop thought, the more powerful you are.
Frederick LenzWe applaud the people who are film stars, who get elected to an office, who are very athletic, the small group who play with power in a very limited way. But we're completely oblivious to what can be done to the infinite realities that exist in front of us. We deny them.
Frederick LenzI see people driving cars, winding down the streets. I don't know where these people think they're going. They're going to the funeral home; that's about it.
Frederick LenzOccupy yourself with what's in your life now. Address those situations and subjects as fully as possible with your best efforts. That is what produces happiness and clarity and knowledge and power.
Frederick LenzWe wait for the fulfillment of our desires. We wait with hope, apathy, resignation, belief. We become despondent, elated. We wait
Frederick LenzI'll go to a city, a school, and give a lecture because I can feel someone there. I inwardly see first their is someone there who is waiting. Where they'll show up or not, I don't know. That depneds upon many factors.
Frederick LenzI was drawn to the arts because I sensed that I was by nature Bohemian, and yet very conservative.
Frederick LenzIt's either good, bad or somewhere in between. It's either ying, yang or it's a combination. You're either male, female or somewhere in between. You've got to be somewhere on the map.
Frederick LenzIf you are not happier every day, if you don't see a progression of development, then you are certainly not practicing yoga or Buddhism and therefore you cannot be amassing any positive karma.
Frederick LenzMeditation gives you personal power. You will notice that people will treat you differently as you progress because they can feel that power. Use that power wisely. If you search your heart, I think you will.
Frederick LenzI explored alternate states of consciousness at one period of my life through psychedelics, as was the fashion with all my friends.
Frederick LenzThis is the fourth age, the Kali Yuga, and it's a time of great darkness. At the end of this age, there's supposed to be a cosmic dissolution and then life begins anew. It's a wonderful cycle of rebirth.
Frederick LenzWhen your spirit is free and your body is well developed, magic occurs. You are able to let go and become the play.
Frederick LenzPeople who use the mind and aggressive energy to blow their opponent away can be figured out. Anybody you can figure out you can defeat.
Frederick LenzThe mystical kundalini goes the other direction. It starts at the base of the spine, at the root chakra and goes up.
Frederick LenzReincarnation is a process in which a finite being will go through a series of transmutations and will perceive different things. There will be a continuity of perception.
Frederick LenzWe may have a tiny little room that we rent, and if we keep it clean and it's impeccable, then we gain a power from that.
Frederick LenzTantric Buddhism is just a collection of things that work by doing them. And sometimes we add new things. We have electronic music; we did not have it in Tibet.
Frederick LenzAs you absorb more mystical kundalini, you will able to perform a few minor miracles. As you do this, you run a great risk of egotism. Some people handle it well; some don't.
Frederick LenzFor every action there is a reaction. Karma can be examined within the structure of an hour, a year, a lifetime, a thousand lifetimes.
Frederick LenzThere comes a time when a race of beings makes a decision. When they chose to reject enlightenment, it's the end of their world because the karma is inevitable. They have to destroy themselves.
Frederick LenzI offer you the possibilities of immortality, a pathway that leads beyond the known and the unknown, few follow it.
Frederick LenzYou must constantly check that you are meditating properly, and not become, what Clint Eastwood refers to as, "a legend in your own mind."
Frederick LenzEverything is part of one web, one matrix of existence, beyond discussion. This is our true self in its undifferentiated form.
Frederick LenzHappiness has to do with how quickly you vibrate. Meditation is a process of speeding up the vibration.
Frederick LenzAll of the exoteric teachings are only designed to give you the type of life that will allow you to practice the esoteric teachings.
Frederick LenzEverybody is in the waiting room of life. Yoga is not a waiting. It is a doing, today.
Frederick LenzIf you think it makes a difference if I have ten thousand sports cars, ten million girlfriends and lead a very flashy life ... I don't think you should work with any teacher because you don't know what it is all about yet.
Frederick LenzHis second cycle of teachings discusses the cosmology of the universes. But in his later years, he wrote the tantric texts.
Frederick LenzRae Chorze-Fwaz has preserved and passed on their secret meditation techniques in oral tradition from the time of Atlantis until he present day.
Frederick LenzThe buildup of negative auric vibrations initially impairs our ability to perceive psychically. They can eventually cause us to become ill. Most serious illnesses, including many types of cancer, are the result of auric toxicity.
Frederick LenzFree will exists within each of us. Most people choose not to use their free will, so consequently they rarely alter their karmic patterns.
Frederick LenzIf you want to succeed always associate with winners, people who have understood something. You will notice that they all share something in common, tremendous attention to detail in their personal lives and associations.
Frederick LenzIn the universe, there is darkness and light. We call this duality. When you seek knowledge and power, there are forces and people that will oppose you.
Frederick LenzTrust that life is guiding you and showing you every step that is necessary to learn to be perfect. Have faith in yourself. You'll come through OK. Have faith in existence.
Frederick Lenz