If you suspect someone is draining you, generally you should not confront them, but be nice, relax them, and then see what they are doing.
Frederick LenzWho wants to be stuck in being religious and being spiritual either? That's not freedom. You've just exchanged handcuffs for leg irons - which doesn't mean that you should avoid enlightenment.
Frederick LenzYou can just sweep the floor generally and gain nothing from it. Or you can figure out the best way to sweep the floor, put your power into it, use it as a concentration exercise, and be meditative.
Frederick LenzLife should be continually brighter. We are continually seeking our own innocence. We want to recapture it for eternity. It's in there, but we lose touch with it.
Frederick LenzIf you think that material success will bring you happiness, relationships, people, places, things, fame, fortune, you definitely should not practice tantra.
Frederick LenzBalance is to choose happiness, to feel that the purpose of life is to love, not necessarily to be loved, to be happy, to be conscious, to be aware, to be fulfilled.
Frederick LenzSocieties on this planet are based upon fear, not upon love. The strong dominate the weak.
Frederick LenzWhen you find yourself dwelling on something negative, consciously use your willpower to remove your mind from that which is negative. Move your mind into the flow of something positive.
Frederick LenzWhen you listen to what entities say, the gradually work their way into your thoughts. After a while you will start thinking their thoughts. You won't know they aren't your thoughts. Soon you will be fully possessed.
Frederick LenzMy feeling is that drugs and alcohol take away from the pure experience of meditation. That does not mean that occasionally, a person couldn't have a glass of wine or a drink.
Frederick LenzEveryone meditates in their own way. Some people sit and practice formal mediation techniques for many hours a day while others spontaneously meditate while watching a sunset, listening to music, or participating in athletics.
Frederick LenzThey'll kill you in a minute rather than deal with truth. It's more convenient because then they can forget about it and rationalize your death.
Frederick LenzTantric Zen is not being kinky; nor is it being conservative and austere. It is eclectic. It is a real mixture of all things.
Frederick LenzThings that raise your energy usually don't involve humans; things that cause energy loss usually involve humans.
Frederick LenzThe Akashic Records are the impressions from all of our past lives that are available within our causal body.
Frederick LenzBe the exceptional being who separates themselves from the herd and the fate of the herd.
Frederick LenzBeyond the subtle physical body, is the causal body, the part of your being that lives from one lifetime to another.
Frederick LenzIf one thinks of an enlightened person in a negative way, as it hits their aura, it returns very strongly.
Frederick LenzThere is suffering and there is joy. Your life is very short, and then you're back again for another and another, forever, unless you step off the wheel.
Frederick LenzThere are those who feel that meditation is unrealistic or takes them out of the world, and if that was your experience with mediation, you weren't meditating.
Frederick LenzWhen we practice mindfulness, our nonphysical side merges with the nonphysical side of that which we are experiencing.
Frederick LenzOne or two of my friends set longevity records for people who had AIDS. What they did, incredibly hard though it was, was to practice meditation, positive thinking and they worked out physically quite a bit.
Frederick LenzYou can increase your capacity to absorb the mystical kundalini. I have 3 or 4 students who are on the path of mysticism, they can absorb more of it.
Frederick LenzInwardly the sun also has an energy field, it has an aura, so does the earth, so does the moon, and so do all the planets. We're affected by those auras. It's not something that you really want to reason out.
Frederick LenzLife is learning how to deal with traffic. It requires patience, a good sense of timing, and sometimes not giving in to the traffic but reshaping your life.
Frederick LenzEverything is dependent upon your state of mind. That is all there is, states of mind, ten thousand of them. Beyond all states of mind is nirvana.
Frederick LenzSome people get tired of continual perception of the finite universe. They feel the perception of the universe over and over in variant forms is kind of an unhappy condition, because it doesn't last.
Frederick LenzInterestingly enough, Aurthur C. Clarke once autographed a copy of his book "Rendezvous with Rama" for me.
Frederick LenzEverything depends on your state of awareness. If your state of awareness is low, then all the material success in the world won't help.
Frederick LenzThere is a big difference between the lower samadhis and the upper samadhis, like the difference between the Sierras and the Himalayas.
Frederick LenzSome people meditate because they want to get the larger picture on life. It could get kind of discouraging if this was all there was.
Frederick LenzRama is a fairly common name in India. It symbolizes an individual who is interested both in enlightenment and martial arts. I do not claim to have any past life connection with the historical Rama. It's just a name I liked.
Frederick LenzKeep your mind centered on that which leads to light, intensively. Accept no substitute.
Frederick LenzWithin you there are thousands of rings of luminosity, bands, and each one is a universe of perception. In the average person's lifetime, they might just open up two or three, maybe four of those bands.
Frederick LenzWhen your mind is flooded with the pure light of nirvana, which is happiness itself, you will be delighted with whatever occurs to you.
Frederick LenzFor most people this is not a conscious process, it's an inner pull that takes place, that simply draws them there.
Frederick LenzThe issue is not what you're doing with your body; it's what you're doing with your mind.
Frederick LenzThe experience of the next life is too far away to really be concerned with. It will be an outgrowth of this incarnation and what happens between birth and death.
Frederick LenzIf you are seeking power and knowledge, you need to go to places that are healthy and happy and radiant. Avoid places that aren't.
Frederick LenzNirvikalpa samadhi is another matter. I don't feel that's really up to us. That happens at a certain time when our being has gone through countless changes and refinements.
Frederick LenzPeople who are advanced meditators don't worry about liberation and self-realization; they instead are interested in the welfare of others and aiding others in their liberation.
Frederick Lenz