When I began to play Frisbee, I would play with my friends and we used to do difficult things. We would stand in front of lines of trees that were parallel. We would spend hours throwing frisbees back and forth between these tight spots.
Frederick LenzPsychic development is a necessary skill in leading a successful and happy life. Your intellectual processes and your senses don't give you enough information to distinguish the real from the unreal.
Frederick LenzWe live in the dark ages. If an intelligent society can destroy itself in large numbers and places the largest amount of revenues in instruments of destruction, it is certainly not an evolved society or an intelligent society.
Frederick LenzDeath is only a summer vacation for us. We don't really change or lose what we have learned or who we have been when we die, because we are our karma.
Frederick LenzWhen it reaches a blockage, water find the easiest path around the blockage, or it continues to assemble, and flows over the blockage.
Frederick LenzFear can be used to get into your attention. Any way a person can get you to think of them, allows them to drain you.
Frederick LenzThe kundalini of the supraconscious has nothing to do with the shushumna. That light comes down, from the crown center and has nothing to do with the opening. It descends and inundates.
Frederick LenzTantric Zen is the awareness of the infinitude of all things. To gain that awareness, to be it, is enlightenment.
Frederick LenzAll of the universes are but phantoms, mirages, and while they have their own essence, their own pantomime - they pass forgotten.
Frederick LenzAshrams often become places where there is a hierarchy and a pecking order and not much enlightenment. That is what some people are drawn to. But that has nothing to do with enlightenment.
Frederick LenzThe worst thing you can do is to sit and brood and feel sorry for yourself. Nor should you feel wrong about doing this, since all of us do from time to time.
Frederick LenzThere are places that are very draining. There are places where there is another dimensional crossover but to a dimension that is not powerful at all.
Frederick LenzDuring those years the past life recollections began. Psychic powers developed, my meditation increased and I found myself changing, over and over again, becoming someone new almost every day.
Frederick LenzThe human life form vibrates at a certain rate, but all vibratory rates are not suitable for human life. So it's very necessary to meditate on higher octave energy, on the clear light, on joy, on happiness.
Frederick LenzThere is something to this fabric of life that is beautiful. If you find the world unpleasant, I don't think that is wisdom. That is a sign of a lack of wisdom.
Frederick LenzObviously there is a lot more ecstasy in the spirit than in the flesh but the flesh has its moments!
Frederick LenzMost people are operating out of repetition. If you come to work or school each day with the same mind-state, you probably can't get more out of it than you did yesterday.
Frederick LenzThe thousand petal lotus of light, the crown center, really does not become operative until one is on the verge of enlightenment itself. Then you really don't have to meditate on it. The thousand petals gradually light up.
Frederick LenzTonight I have inundated you with the mystical kundalini. Now, of course, I'm moving into the supra-conscious; it's kind of a doubleheader this evening.
Frederick LenzWhen you experience the light, voila, you're happy. The very nature of the light is happiness. You don't have to do anything or be anybody special.
Frederick LenzThe essential premise of Buddhism is that there is enlightenment, there is nirvana. Beyond this world, beyond all worlds, there's something radiant, perfect and eternal.
Frederick LenzWe really have no choice in the matter. We are given a description of the world that is much more potent and much deeper than you might realize.
Frederick LenzThere are billions of people out there walking around and they don't meditate. You can tell. They are not having a good time with their lives. People are not happy.
Frederick LenzNot everyone is your friend. When you are psychic you tend to forget that others don't view life the way you do.
Frederick LenzWe see the most beautiful creations whither. The beautiful young maiden becomes the old woman and she hates her body because it isn't what it used to be. The young man becomes the old dotard who has trouble remembering.
Frederick LenzYou have been imprinted by people in this world who take power from others. Most people drain each other. Or, what is worse, they are draining you right now, psychically!
Frederick LenzThe continuity of perception is an individualized being, when that continuity is lost, the being no longer exists as they have been.
Frederick LenzLove is the shortcut to meditation. Above thought is love, and within and below thought is love. Love is a ladder that we can climb through thought.
Frederick LenzIn this prison camp, the Gestapo state brain-police planet Earth, what is normal is insane and what is insane is normal. But it doesn't pay to tell that to the local politicians or other organizational structures that run the place that. They didn't crucify Christ because they liked what he said.
Frederick LenzPeople over-focus on teachers as an excuse to avoid their own life, and that way they fail to take responsibility for themselves. They have this feeling that the teacher will just take care of them.
Frederick LenzIf you feel some tremendous pressure to do everything perfectly so you won't have a horrible incarnation in your next life - that type of fear is unnecessary. Life is not that finicky.
Frederick LenzTheoretically, everyone's inner being knows everything. There is a part of us that is aware of all things. But that doesn't necessarily do us a whole lot of good unless we are conscious of that.
Frederick LenzThe inner aspects of reincarnation have to do with where you put your mind. The more expansive state of mind you enter into, the less suffering there is.
Frederick LenzTantric Zen is for the individual who is in love with both the finite and the infinite, who gets a kick out of this weird transitory world and at the same time, wants to step beyond it.
Frederick LenzWhen you go into the other worlds, when you go into the luminous dimensions, it's very different than here. You really have to have your act wired. You have to be very strong. Your mind has to be in the right shape. Otherwise, when you get out there, what you will see will drive you mad.
Frederick LenzWhy waste your time being around people who drag you down? You don't live forever, at least in this life.
Frederick LenzYou are awareness. You are mind. You are not from this world. I mean, think about it, could you really be from here?
Frederick LenzThe strongest factor in conditioning is sex, in the sense that the first thing that a person is really taught is whether they are male or female.
Frederick LenzThe trick in life is to find out where you belong. Once you find out where you belong, you will be happy there.
Frederick LenzThe causal body is like DNA or RNA in that it is the coding that determines your level of evolution.
Frederick LenzIf you meditate you will change in ways that I cannot understand. But that is neither here nor there.
Frederick LenzThe earth is alive. There are places on the earth that are very powerful. Meaning that on another dimensional level, there is an interfacing dimension where there is a crossover point between dimensions and a tremendous amount of energy is passing back and forth.
Frederick LenzPeople can insert thoughts into your mind. This is more dangerous for psychic people. Use concentration exercises and read to combat this; boredom is an easy way to be drained.
Frederick LenzPeople project a grey energy that is very destructive to weaken you, to drain you - just as the snake uses position to capture its victim.
Frederick LenzIt is the mind that weaves the dream of life, it convinces us that what we see is what is apparent and what is real, and that there's nothing else outside of our perception.
Frederick Lenz