Zen students see themselves as athletes. Their competitive sport is enlightenment; only with enlightenment do we compete.
Frederick LenzInside you is eternity. A human being is not so simple. We're told that we're Ted or Sally or Willie or whatever and that we grow up and have experiences. That has nothing to do with what life is. You are eternity.
Frederick LenzA certain amount of the kundalini is always floating through the ida and the pingala. These two little nerve tubes, on either side of the shushumna, keep us alive.
Frederick LenzEverything that I teach as an enlightened Buddhist teacher is towards directing an individual to happiness, a balanced wisdom and knowledge that is sometimes just bubbly and euphoric or just very still and profound.
Frederick LenzThe experiences you'll have, the people you'll love, the jobs, the joys, the sorrows, the way you'll die. It is all predestined, unless you will a change.
Frederick LenzOur failure to see and access the pure joy and radiance of life is owning to a lack of awareness. In any situation there is beauty. Even at the moment of one's death there is beauty.
Frederick LenzHumor enables us to deal with and overcome many of the most painful and difficult situations in our lives.
Frederick LenzThe very advanced practitioners of martial arts never had to raise a hand. They could knock an opponent down without physically touching them, just with chi, pure power. We don't see too many of them anymore.
Frederick LenzI love people who make mistakes. That's why I'm in the teaching business. I love people who make mistakes because I enjoy watching them learn and helping them, assisting them. I find it a beautiful process.
Frederick LenzSome people think Taoism means not doing anything, just going on with your life. That has little or nothing to do with Taoism.
Frederick LenzAnybody or anything can become enlightened because enlightenment is the very nature of existence itself.
Frederick LenzWe were imprinted with a value system as young children. The sensory experiences of life can trigger and stimulate a variety of associative thoughts and ideas.
Frederick LenzWhenever you take the time to inspire someone, to aid them in their inner search, you'll find energy will come back to you - unless you are ego tripping or you are trying to manipulate them.
Frederick LenzTantra means the avoidance of a set or defined form of spirituality. Tantra is intuitive self-discovery.
Frederick LenzDeath doesn't change anything. It just gives you a new location. The physical mind dissolves. But the overriding state of mind that you die in is the state of mind that you are born into.
Frederick LenzAdvance yourself by advancing others. Do not judge others. Be of service to them, but realize that you are not necessarily the instrument of perfecting and immortalizing others.
Frederick LenzWhen you meditate your body shouldn't move. Some people get into this kundalini sway business. Your body shouldn't move.
Frederick LenzThat's what self-discovery seems to mean to most people. You're going to beat yourself up. You're going to reduce what you're supposed to be and do to a set of rules so you can defy them, or so you can perform them and feel smug.
Frederick LenzStep one in overcoming fears is to make a fear list. Make a list of all the things that you are afraid of. Start out with the small fears and conquer them.
Frederick LenzShakespeare said: "There's a special providence in the fall of a sparrow." Everything happens perfectly.
Frederick LenzWhen you meditate and still your mind, you will gain the wisdom of knowing things in this world, in other worlds and beyond worlds - it just comes to you.
Frederick LenzChaotic mathematics is essentially the study of chaos. It can't be chaos, if you can study it and it has an order.
Frederick LenzNever settle for that which is easy and comfortable or the necessity of seeking that which is difficult and uncomfortable.
Frederick LenzThe void is ready to snatch you up like a Pac Man machine and Laskshmi is on vacation. You chant Sring - and you get her answering machine.
Frederick LenzMarlon Brando, Jack Nicholson, Sean Connery and Robert Redford, Mel Gibson - at least in the Road Warrior films - and Harrison Ford are among my favorite actors. Meryl Streep, Jane Fonda, Sally Field, Deborah Winger, Jessica Lange, and of course, Shirley MacLaine, are among the women.
Frederick LenzPower either goes up or down. Your thoughts are the harness of power. It is necessary to think positive thoughts, not just wait for them to occur, but to introduce them.
Frederick LenzThe mystical kundalini is something that I normally use when we're on field trips, when we go to a place of power.
Frederick LenzWhen you develop your psychic vision after some meditation, you will be able to see the subtle physical of others, or perhaps yourself. At first you will see it as an aura; eventually you can see the whole subtle physical.
Frederick LenzBeyond the world of thought and sensorial impressions, there are planes and dimensions of perfect light, knowledge, and radiant perfection.
Frederick LenzPower plants break up the way you see the world; they can push you into the second attention; yet to continuously take them, weakens the subtle psychical body.
Frederick LenzYou stand on the edge of eternity, with a vista that is so incredible, so powerful, so perfect that it's overwhelming. You are so overwhelmed - you no longer exist.
Frederick LenzThe person who's in the Zen monastery, who's doing a kind of poor job at meditating and a half-ass job cleaning the gardens is not doing very good yoga.
Frederick LenzIn Atlantis, children who were spiritually evolved from meditative practices in their previous lives were brought to the Mystery School for training by older members of the Order who psychically recognized them.
Frederick LenzHuman beings affix themselves to things that are of little or no importance. They affix themselves to the transitory, to things that are impermanent, and in doing so, they get all upset
Frederick LenzPersonal power is not the end of the process. It is a tool that you use to get someplace. The purpose of the car is not to live in the car, it is to drive you someplace you want to go.
Frederick LenzHaving the competitive edge to be able to succeed is having control of your time, life and mind.
Frederick LenzIn Nirvana, it is you, my friend, who goes away. You take an eraser and erase yourself. It's like the Road Runner cartoons where in the middle of the cartoon, the hand of the artist appears on the screen and erases the Road Runner.
Frederick LenzFor most people the prohibitions are a good thing. But If you are able to maintain very powerful states of mind, then you'll find yourself in everything you see.
Frederick LenzTry to find a teacher of meditation and meditate at least once a week in a group with people who meditate a little better than you do. It will inspire you to keep meditating.
Frederick LenzWe've done this before in other worlds, in other lives. It is our strength, law, medicine, entertainment, and computers, the networking of energy. All of these are arts.
Frederick Lenz