The nuns taught me that the best thing you can do in life when things get difficult is to work.
Frederick LenzIf we view the universe as other than what we are, we are everything we don't perceive.
Frederick LenzIn the classical spiritual definition, a soul mate is someone that you have reincarnated with many times. You find each other in many lifetimes.
Frederick LenzAs an incarnation of love you put up with flack until it becomes detrimental to a person.
Frederick LenzIn the world of Buddhist mind, in the advanced states, we go beyond time, space, life, death and Newsweek.
Frederick LenzOccasionally in my travels I meet people who have pushed too far into the nagual. These individuals are not too balanced but they have made great journeys in the unknown.
Frederick LenzLife draws us in different directions, sometimes simultaneously. When you follow the direction that life draws you in, if you stay in a very powerful state of mind, then you'll see eternity.
Frederick LenzDuring the time of Atlantis, members of the Mystery Schools discovered and developed specific concentration exercises that they found would radically increase and sharpen their innate psychic abilities.
Frederick LenzA teacher is not someone you need perpetually. You need them to show you how to get through the doorway; but once you get through the doorway, you are on your own.
Frederick LenzThe highest teaching is never written down. It's only communicated from teacher to student because it's a "transmission of the lamp." It's a transmission of mind.
Frederick LenzThe idea of the walls of monastery was to keep everybody else out because you wanted to develop a certain type of life. Most people in the world had different ideas on the subject.
Frederick LenzWhen I go visit my brother monks in Japan and sit down with other Zen Masters, they look at my crazy clothes and my strange expression, but they feel the power that emanates from my dedication to the practice. So they are comfortable with me, yet they're very uncomfortable.
Frederick LenzIn Tantric Buddhism our feeling is that there is no problem with the sensual world unless you have a tremendous attraction or aversion to it.
Frederick LenzWhen I enter into nirvikalpa samadhi, most can see this light, or feel it. This light creates very powerful, steady spiritual transformation. The reason you are here is to sit in this light.
Frederick LenzObviously, following my convictions has come at a personal price, but they are important enough that I have been willing to endure the abuse.
Frederick LenzThe third eye is located between the eyebrows and a little above. The heart center is located directly in the center of the chest. The naval center is about two inches below the navel.
Frederick LenzI think the most miraculous thing is learning. I get out of the way and let the students learn. Then you get to watch this amazing thing happen.
Frederick LenzI can throw a great party, but I don't know how to go to one. I can throw a party because when you throw a party you just work all the time. But I could never go to a party because I wouldn't know what to do ... I'd immediately find the kitchen and start to serve food.
Frederick LenzThe December - January period is the strongest time of the year. It is an easy time to shift states of mind.
Frederick LenzYou need to search your awareness and consider the limitless possibilities of existence in all things and not be so narrow-minded in your self-discovery.
Frederick LenzYou can go to India and you can see gurus go into samadhi. But when they come out of samadhi, they're nasty. They're egocentric. They don't have a deep regard or understanding of what life is. It's just a little trick they can do, a one-trick pony.
Frederick LenzMost human beings are completely out of touch with their spiritual nature and with the inner dimensions that exist within themselves. They don't realize each person has a soul, an inner core of light and intelligence as vast as the ten thousand worlds, whose inner nature is emptiness, ecstasy and happiness.
Frederick LenzSometimes in an incarnation you get a feeling of frustration. It is not working out the way you want. If you pull your power together and meditate, no matter what happens to you physically, you will have gained from this life.
Frederick LenzDon't just sit there. Go do something and don't expect that it's going to be fun unless you make it fun. You have got to work on things. That is when you are happy.
Frederick LenzWhat we see in this world is a gross abnormality. The human consciousness fails to perceive the very simple, divine nature of every atom in every moment.
Frederick LenzWhen you meditate, you will care more for those around you and you will be able to do more for them, as your own awareness advances. Everyone who comes into your field of energy is positively influenced.
Frederick LenzWhenever you find yourself becoming angry or jealous, try to see good quality in the person. You will suddenly be thinking a higher thought and that will elevate you.
Frederick LenzWhen you can successfully stop thought for longer periods of time, you do move into other worlds. This can also happen in the very beginning, if a person meditates with someone who is very advanced.
Frederick LenzI don't think of myself as a guru but as a teacher. If one means 'guru' in the original sense a 'dispeller of darkness' then that certainly is my purpose.
Frederick LenzThe primary energy that is active in all things is kundalini. Kundalini energy is the energy of awareness. It can be used to modify awareness.
Frederick LenzThere are thousands of lesser chakras. Chakras are doorways to other worlds. When you focus on them, you step into something else.
Frederick LenzAs you gain more discipline over your body, you will find that a corollary discipline will develop in the mind because the two really go together.
Frederick LenzYou must have total and impeccable trust in eternity. Whether you like it or not, eternity's in charge, so you might as well trust. You will feel better.
Frederick LenzPain and suffering only occur in temporal time. They don't occur in the world of forever. They only occur in limited transient time, which is a state of mind.
Frederick LenzSri Krishna is said to be an avatar, which is a human way of trying to define very big. That is to say that Sri Krishna is not from the local area network, but he has come from a world that is different because his mind is different.
Frederick LenzAs far as miracles are concerned, I'm not aware that I perform miracles. After many years and lifetimes of meditation, I am able to use the kundalini energy to alter other people's awareness and aid them in their search for light and certainty.
Frederick LenzHow do you become enlightened? Have fun, meditate, don't take yourself too seriously, brush between incarnations and have a good teacher.
Frederick LenzMake lists. Write down the things that give you power. Write down the things that take your power away also. Make lists of people close to you. Are you associations raising you to a higher level of attention?
Frederick LenzThe energy strands and bands of our being are linked in a certain way and makes us what we are. It causes us to perceive a certain level of the dream of life. But you can reorder those. That's magic, you see.
Frederick LenzOne nationality supresses another. One religion claimsto be the exclusive way to truth or god.
Frederick LenzEnlightenment has nothing to do with being spiritual. Being spiritual is just an idea - it's another ring of perception.
Frederick LenzThere's this cave and all humanity is in it and there's this terribly bright light at the other end and everybody's afraid of it.
Frederick LenzThose whose primary concern is to destroy others are at the lowest level of development. Those who are only interested in their own satisfaction are farther along. Those who both do things for their own satisfaction and the satisfaction of others are even father along. Then there are saints who just constantly live for the welfare of others.
Frederick Lenz