I like to set myself a new adventure challenge at least once or twice a year because I love that side of my life. I love getting fit and training for it.
Richard BransonFun is at the core of the way I like to do business and it has been key to everything I've done from the outset. More than any other element, fun is the secret of Virgin's success. I am aware that the ideas of business as being fun and creative goes right against the grain of convention, and it's certainly not how the they teach it at some of those business schools, where business means hard grind and lots of 'discounted cash flows' and net' present values'.
Richard BransonDon't hesitate to seek external help or advice where need be. Sometimes, it takes an external, emotionally unattached individual to detect your business flaws and render unbiased advice.
Richard BransonThose who achieve great things are the ones willing to be scared but not scared off. If you dream big and take risks, impossible becomes just a word.
Richard BransonEvery great movement in the world starts with a tiny group of people who simply refuse to accept a situation.
Richard BransonTo be a real entrepreneur you always have to be looking forward. The moment you rest on your laurels is the moment your competition overtakes you.
Richard BransonIt's really important to find an hour or two to a day to make sure that you keep healthy, keep fit. It's very easy just to forget that aspect. And if you're feeling really good and fit, I think you can get two or three extra hours a day of hard work in as well.
Richard BransonI can honestly say that I have never gone into any business purely to make money. If that is the sole motive then I believe you are better off not doing it. A business has to be involving, it has to be fun, and it has to exercise your creative instincts.
Richard BransonWe hope to create thousands of astronauts over the next few years and bring alive their dream of seeing the majestic beauty of our planet from above, the stars in all their glory and the amazing sensations of weightlessness and space flight.
Richard BransonMy definition of success? The more you are actively and practically engaged, the more successful you will feel.
Richard BransonI make up my mind about whether I can trust someone within 60 seconds of meeting them
Richard BransonIt's all about finding and hiring people smarter than you. Getting them to join your business. And giving them good work. Then getting out of their way. And trusting them. You have to get out of the way so YOU can focus on the bigger vision. That's important. And here's the main thing....you must make them see their work as a MISSION.
Richard BransonTo be successful, you have to be out there, you have to hit the ground running, and if you have a good team around you and more than a fair share of luck, you might make something happen. But you certainly can't guarantee it just by following someone else's formula.
Richard BransonMy mother always taught me never to look back in regret but to move on to the next thing.
Richard BransonThrough the right people focusing on the right things, we can, in time, get on top of a lot if not most of the problems of this world. And that's what a number of us are trying to do.
Richard BransonIrreverence ran on both sides of our family...my parents brought me up to think we could all change the world.
Richard BransonI have always lived my life by thriving on opportunity and adventure. Some of the best ideas come out of the blue, and you have to keep an open mind to see their virtue.
Richard BransonIf you create something that makes a difference in people's lives, you are likely to become a business success as well
Richard BransonIf you have an idea that's going to make a big difference to people's lives, and other people are not doing it, you know, just say "screw it," do it and get on with it, and give it a go.
Richard BransonA good leader leads from the front. Don't get stuck in the office. Get out, meet people and listen to their stories.
Richard BransonI think business leaders all over the world should not just think of how we can make lots of money, which is fine, but to take some of the problems in the world and get out there and tackle them using business. I think that if businesses do that we can get on top of these problems.
Richard BransonTo succeed in business you need to be original, but you also need to understand what your customers want.
Richard BransonWe went all the way down the Himalayan chain for a day and a half. That was magnificent, except the Chinese told us they were going to shoot us down if we came out the far end. So I spent a lot of my time contacting former Prime Minister Tony Blair begging him to tell the Chinese we were coming in this direction by mistake and could he please say we have no nasty motives for flying into their territory.
Richard BransonPerhaps, therefore, it is odd that if there is any one phrase that is guaranteed to set me off it's when someone says to me, 'OK, fine. You're the boss!' What irks me is that in 90% of such instances what that person is really saying is, 'OK, then, I don't agree with you, but I'll roll over and do it because you're telling me to. But if it doesn't work out I'll be the first to remind everyone that it wasn't my idea.'
Richard BransonBuilding a business is not rocket science, it's about having a great idea and seeing it through with integrity.
Richard BransonPurpose is not an add-on, itโs not an initiative. It is a culture change and it never finishes
Richard BransonThe quickest way to become a millionaire in the airline business is to start out as a billionaire.
Richard BransonWe [Virgin Group] have been successful not by wasting time scrutinising our competitors but by looking at ourselves from the point of view of our customers do and seeking feedback through listening.
Richard BransonConflicts often stem from a couple of leaders on both sides that are badly brought up. They'd rather go to war than compromise. And in business, you're competing with other companies all the time, but you don't end up going to war with each other.
Richard BransonWe don't actually plan to launch new businesses over the next few years, but we are planning to take the ones we have into new territories.
Richard BransonMy general attitude to life is to enjoy every minute of every day. I never do anything with a feeling of, 'Oh God, I've got to do this today.'
Richard BransonYou must have the courage to trust your instincts and be ready to question what other people don't. If you do that, you can seize opportunities that others would miss. Believe in yourself, and use everything you can - including the obstacles - to propel you along the road to success. Who knows what you might achieve?
Richard BransonI was a risk-taker as a young man, and I don't regret it. I'm not adventurous in quite the same way now, but I still love the challenge of testing myself to the limits, flying around the world, or seeing if I can be the first to fly a balloon across the Atlantic, or trying to take people into space at an affordable price in an environmentally friendly way. I'll be going into space with three generations of my family!
Richard BransonA company is simply a group of people. And as a leader of people, you have to be a great listener, you have to be a great motivator, you have to be very good at praising and looking for the best in people. People are no different from flowers. If you water flowers, they flourish. If you praise people, they flourish. That's a critical attribute of a leader.
Richard BransonI think sometimes when you come from a conservative background, you want to rebel a little bit. I dropped out of school at 15 and learned early in life that saying yes was a lot more fun than saying no. If you have the opportunity to explore the skies and attempt something people haven't done before - well, I was damned if I was going to sit around watching television while someone else was doing it.
Richard BransonI never really felt secure until I was well into my 30s, because anytime I had success, I would invest in new projects.
Richard BransonIt's never easy to set up any business, but it comes back to determination and drive and the love of what you do!
Richard BransonDevelop the business around the people; build it, don't buy it; and, then, be the best.
Richard BransonMy very first venture was a national student magazine to try to campaign against the [Vietnam] War. And so I wanted to be an editor. I wanted to bring the magazine out. And in order for the magazine to survive I had to worry about the printing and the paper manufacturing and the distribution. And, you know, I had to try to, at the end of the year, have more money coming in than going out.
Richard Branson