They are not happy out there. Take a walk today and look at how many people smile. Look at how troubled they are, unhappy, stressed out. Go through the ghetto or go through Beverly Hills.
Frederick LenzEnlightenment requires discipline, balance, knowledge, power, happiness and a sense of responsibility and sacrifice, being able to do things with your life that you would not have done otherwise.
Frederick LenzA human being is bound by emotion, enslaved by their desires. A person is never really at peace with themselves because they live in the spectrum of human consciousness.
Frederick LenzThe life that we see on our small planet is not necessarily a great reflection of the entire universe. The people are beautiful, but they tend to destroy one another. That's not an operative principle in all dimensions.
Frederick LenzThere is no such thing as spiritual achievement; it is simply an awareness intrinsic to all of life.
Frederick LenzTake a yoga class, study different forms of self-discovery. Some people are crazy and fanatical, avoid them. People who are balanced and calm and introspective, associating with them will raise your energy level.
Frederick LenzIn the Far East, a peasant has no problem that someone can be born from another universe into a human body, walk up to their hut one day and ask for something to eat and transport them into infinite galaxies of awareness.
Frederick LenzIt is inevitable that, in the process of teaching an Asian religion in a Western country, many of the teachings will seem strange or unusual - in the same way that Christianity and Judaism may seem strange and unusual to people from the Far East.
Frederick LenzMost people, without consciously realizing it, absorb a great deal of psychic energy from the people they casually associate with, and even a greater amount from people with whom they have strong emotional connections.
Frederick LenzComputers are the central access; information processing based on a spiral network, similar to that which is the chaos of existence itself, the analysis of systems, the interlocking lokas.
Frederick LenzSpiritual balance is the ability to remain happy, to not be hostile to your neighbor when they are being hostile, and not to get caught up in the trivia.
Frederick LenzWhen all of the selves have been dissolved, you will enter into the super-conscious awareness. Then, you are free. Then, there is no suffering. Then, there is no attachment.
Frederick LenzYou only find your Teacher once in many lifetimes. Never be afraid to see them and meditate with them. Your Teacher always understands and always forgives.
Frederick LenzAs you do your daily meditations, your life will change. Most people change between the ages of zero to four. The older we get the less we change. When we meditate we become perpetually young.
Frederick LenzThere is a certain beauty and refinement that is often found in our world and it is expensive. It shouldn't necessarily be so. It is just the way our economic system is.
Frederick LenzPower doesn't make you happy. Actually, power without knowledge and balance is problematic. Power is something that will automatically follow when you have knowledge. The two are really the same, in a certain sense.
Frederick LenzWhen I was very, very young - four, five, six - I could see inside people, their motives, their dreams, their apprehension of reality.
Frederick LenzA good warrior, a seventh or eighth degree black-belt, will tell you there is no victory. It doesn't make you more powerful to win. It's just what you do. It's an expression of your personal power level.
Frederick LenzAlmost all the people who lived in Atlantis meditated and had powerful psychic skills.
Frederick LenzMeditating everyday is essential. If you meditate every day and learn to control and stop your thoughts, you will become psychic.
Frederick LenzYou are on a vast wheel of birth and death. You have been through thousands of lifetimes, thousands yet to come.
Frederick LenzIf President Bush does a lousy job, then he'll lose power. If the guy at McDonalds who's selling burgers does a great job, then he'll be much more powerful than President Bush.
Frederick LenzThose who practice lower sorcery hurt themselves the most because they interact with negative thoughts and apply power to them; they devastate their own consciousness and their own lives.
Frederick LenzFrom my own personal encounters and studies with both Tantric and Zen Buddhist monks, I have found them to be humorous, warm, charming, and compassionate.
Frederick LenzThe kundalini is the life force; it is the essential energy of existence. It is the hidden ingredient in life. It is what makes it all work.
Frederick LenzMany of the people I work with I've worked with in other lifetimes. I moved to California because I knew that many of my students from past lives were in California.
Frederick LenzThe work that most people do in the world tends to deaden them, deadens their mind, uses up their energy and they get a paycheck and old age and not much energy. You get the check and they get your energy. That energy is translated into corporate dollars.
Frederick LenzIf you had to pick between one or the other, I can't say which one is better; but I would certainly say, in my orientation, the light of samadhi is all-pervasive. Samadhi will free you.
Frederick LenzYou are not a body. You are not a mind. You are infinite light, infinite intelligence, the radiance of all beings, the dharmakaya - the endless light of creation.
Frederick LenzWhen you do things in a selfish way, let alone a destructive way, then you are bound by that karma. Your state of mind will go down. You will find yourself becoming depressed, nervous, anxious and upset.
Frederick LenzThe planes of light exist. Yoga is a method of unifying the energies of the body, the mind, and the spirit and directing them towards infinity, the planes of light.
Frederick LenzThey don't understand the multi-life sequences. Anything they can't see in a laboratory, they think is nonsense.
Frederick LenzAs you study computer science you develop this wonderful mental acumen, particularly with relational databases, systems analysis, and artificial intelligence.
Frederick LenzEvery day I get letters from people thanking me for helping them to become successful, whether because of their personal growth or because of economic rewards. A few of my former students have even become millionaires.
Frederick LenzGod does everything perfectly. The world doesn't really need saving; it's exactly the way God wants it to be at the moment.
Frederick LenzIt is necessary to bring our life in order, to examine each thing, and ask ourselves if it is bringing power into our life or if it is draining us. Ask yourself, is your life taking power from you or adding power to you?
Frederick LenzTry to be still inside. Learn to quiet and stop thought, and you will be able to develop your mind. Your psychic intuition will start to come about.
Frederick LenzPerception is a wave. You change as your perception of something changes because you define yourself as a reflection of whatever you happen to perceive.
Frederick LenzYou're thinking that you shouldn't have sex because you're celibate. So you just keep thinking about sex instead of enlightenment.
Frederick LenzMatter is fun for a while; but ultimately, it is the spiritual experience where we leap beyond what we know- that is the happiness.
Frederick Lenz