Everything is dependent on your ability to stop thoughts. The longer you can stop your thoughts in meditation, the faster you will evolve, the more power you will pick up and the more knowledgeable and balanced you will become.
Frederick LenzThere are millions of little opportunities out there to advance yourself. But you need the personal power to see how to do it.
Frederick LenzReality is not the world as you perceive it. Reality is the world perceived through enlightenment. It's the same world; but it's not the same world.
Frederick LenzIt was interesting to have both very a conservative and very liberal parent, because we deal with both these elements in the world and we have both elements within ourselves.
Frederick LenzIf you are afraid of someone, you immediately give them an advantage and give them entry to your awareness field.
Frederick LenzI had been pretty well made a prisoner by school, by society. I had been given this description of the world that I couldn't accept.
Frederick LenzAt an early age I found the world a very natural place to be. I was always in a meditative consciousness as a child, which children are.
Frederick LenzWork sustains us as bodies and it consumes a great deal of energy. The conservation of energy is the component theme of Buddhist practice and yoga. That is why people live in monasteries.
Frederick LenzReincarnation is not something that occurs at death; it is something that takes place at every moment. Death and rebirth are occurring every second.
Frederick LenzThe perceptual body that you are at the time of death ceases to be. It is not structured quite so tightly.
Frederick LenzA very advanced master can glow so strongly that you see divine in them. You look into them and you see infinity constantly changing, evolving and radiating in new forms.
Frederick LenzThe music is used as a backdrop. I take the kundalini and I play against the notes with it. I do a light show inwardly and outwardly with the vortexes of energy as you sit there. It's no big deal. It's just what I do.
Frederick LenzIt was their intention to start twelve new civilizations similar to Atlantis in these locations.
Frederick LenzYou can make all the changes to the island of the tonal you want, you can take excursions into the nagual, but to push yourself into the reordering process is absolutely foolish.
Frederick LenzPeople are unhappy because they don't understand life; by happy, I mean complete, aware, conscious, poignant, caring, loving, unaffected, cosmic, simplistic, humble, excited, passive - everything. You are everything.
Frederick LenzThere were many stages to the Atlantean civilization. During the later stages, scientists became involved with advanced particle physics. In particular they were interested in reverse gravity fields.
Frederick LenzIt doesn't matter what your work really is. It is exciting to do well at something. It empowers you.
Frederick LenzThere are really only three important things to remember in life: To care, to share, and to be fair. This is not a new idea at all, and yet, observing how most people live their lives, you might think it was.
Frederick LenzJust as the subtle physical body holds together the physical body, the causal body holds together the body of awareness.
Frederick LenzWhat the teacher does is sweep all of the logic, order and reason onto one side and make that side very strong.
Frederick LenzIt's not my light to begin with, in a sense; it's the light of God, the light of eternity. So take all you want!
Frederick LenzSimply by performing good actions and thinking good thoughts you will not attain enlightenment. It takes something more.
Frederick LenzThere is no future and there is no past, there never has been, there never will be. You just think there is. It's not life that moves; it's awareness.
Frederick LenzThe perfect view of existence comes from an unclouded, uncluttered life and mind whereby the radiance of perfect attention of the mind of the universe floods us at every moment. This is Buddhism. This is being on the path.
Frederick LenzWhile I am writing about the details of my own intimate encounters and journeys in America and the Far East.
Frederick LenzTo not realize that everyone we think about affects us psychically, to not realize that life is a field of power, is criminal, in my opinion. If you are a sensitive and evolved being, it is simply criminal.
Frederick LenzThere are some careers that will develop your mind more than others. In the study of enlightenment, it is most important to develop your mind and your body.
Frederick LenzKnowing about reincarnation helps us relax. It assists us with an understanding of death and dying. Death is not an end, quite the contrary.
Frederick LenzJust as when water is frozen in to a form as ice and then melts - so at the time of death, there is no death. The spirit simply changes form.
Frederick LenzWhen there is no thought in the mind, no thought of thought, when the mind is quiet but fully alert, we experience a little bit of enlightenment.
Frederick LenzWhen you're happy, your immune system is at its strongest point. And when you think negatively, or when you hate, or allow yourself to grow emotionally out of control, you are weakening your immune system.
Frederick LenzWhat's important is to be supportive of all who practice. Anyone on any level, even if they don't call it self-discovery, who is seeking to awaken to their own potentials and possibilities, to the inner freedom, deserves your respect and support.
Frederick LenzThe last game on earth is in progress. And when you lose, you win. And when you win, you can't lose.
Frederick LenzDuality is a part of reality, and there is definitely winning and losing. If you don't think so talk to someone who has beaten cancer, talk to somebody who hasn't.
Frederick LenzWhile I enjoy teaching people on the basic and intermediate levels to work them up to advanced levels, my real talent is for the advanced students. You could say that I'm like a ninth-degree black belt in martial arts.
Frederick LenzI read a great deal, avoided the comapny of the children in school who seemed superfical, and fell in love with nature.
Frederick LenzThink of what you love most in this world. This is what you will come back to in your next life.
Frederick LenzIn the process of self-discovery you will learn to be kind when you could be harsh. You will learn to forgive, mostly yourself. You will learn to be patient because you may have to wait quite a while to become that which you will eventually be.
Frederick LenzMost of the teaching I do is not verbal. It's in every movement of my body. It's in my dance. It's in the way I lift a glass of water. It's in my voice tone. It's in every aspect of my life - because it isn't my life anymore.
Frederick LenzWhen you're in the desert you witness acts of power. When you're in the world of the tonal, drop all that nonsense, become logical and orderly and have fun with that.
Frederick LenzTantric Zen, at first, does not appear to have a method. In Tantric Zen, you could meditate on a Brillo box or you could meditate on the clear light of reality.
Frederick Lenz