The role of the board is advice and consent. If the CEO does not lay out a clear strategy and tries to get the board to set one, it will usually end in disaster.
Sam AltmanEvery first time founder waits too long, everyone hopes that an employee will turn around. But the right answer is to fire fast.
Sam AltmanThe most important thing is that there is clear reporting structure and everyone knows what it is.
Sam AltmanIn the early stage of a startup, hiring senior people is usually a mistake. You just want people that get stuff done.
Sam AltmanYou also want people who are maniacally determined and that is slightly different than having a risk tolerant attitude.
Sam AltmanA board member of mine used to say sales fix everything in a startup, and that is really true.
Sam AltmanCompanies that I've been very involved with, that have had a very bad first hire in the first 3 or so employees never recover from it.
Sam AltmanMediocre founders spend a lot of time talking about grand plans, but they never quite make a decision.
Sam AltmanGrowth and momentum are what a startup lives on and you always have to focus on maintaining these.
Sam AltmanThere are exceptions of course, but most companies start with a great ideaโ-โnot a pivot.
Sam AltmanYou think you have this great idea that everyone's going to come join, but that's not how it works.
Sam AltmanYou want an idea that turns into a monopoly. But you can't get a monopoly, in a big market right away; too much competition for that.
Sam AltmanSome day everyone will find out everyone else's comp, if it's all over the place, it will be a complete meltdown disaster
Sam AltmanA lot of people treat choosing their cofounder with even less importance than they put on hiring. Don't do this.
Sam AltmanThe single word that matters most I think to keep the company productive as it grows is alignment.
Sam AltmanYou need someone that behaves like James Bond more than you need someone that is an expert in some particular domain.
Sam AltmanMost founders have not managed people before, and they certainly haven't managed managers.
Sam AltmanThe tenth social network, and limited only to college students with no money, also terrible. Myspace had won.
Sam AltmanA small communication breakdown is enough for everyone to be working on slightly different things. And then you loose focus.
Sam AltmanIt's easy to move fast or be obsessed with quality, but the trick is you have to do both at a startup.
Sam AltmanYou also really want to take the time to think about how the market is going to evolve.You need a market that's going to be big in 10 years.
Sam AltmanWhat being a founder means, is signing up for this years long grind on executionโ-โand you can't outsource this.
Sam AltmanWhy couldn't it have been done 2 years ago, and why will 2 years in the future be too late?
Sam AltmanMomentum and growth are the lifeblood of startups. This is probably in the top three secrets of executing well.
Sam AltmanTo get the very best people- they have a lot of great options, and so it can easily take a year to recruit someone.
Sam AltmanMany of the best YC companies have had phenomenally small number of employees for their first year, sometimes none besides the founders.
Sam AltmanA related advantage of mission oriented ideas, is that you yourself will be dedicated to them.
Sam AltmanTwo other things that we hear again and again from our founders, they wish they had done earlier, and that is... simply writing down how you do things and why you do things.
Sam Altman