I guess the best advice I ever got or anyone could get for doing a talk show, though it has not been easy very often, was from Jack Paar, who said, 'Kid, don't make it an interview. Interviews have clipboards, and you're like David Frost. Make it a conversation.'
Dick CavettThe information superhighway? That sounds like a place that's long and boring and kills 50,000 people a year.
Dick CavettI'm not sure why writing for others became harder. Probably a reluctance to give away anything you might conceivably use yourself caused a block. I did it, but it remained hard when it had once been easy.
Dick CavettThe authority of depression is horrifying. I felt like my brain was busted and that I could never feel good again. I really thought that I was never gonna heal.
Dick CavettComing up through the ranks of any calling can be rough, but that battered soul who survives the early years of courting the comic muse comes close to knowing what only the soldier knows: What combat is like.
Dick CavettThe idea that hunting is one against one is ludicrous. It's one animal versus the hunter, the manufacturer of the rifle, the bullet maker, the designer and manufacturer of the telescopic sight, the auto manufacturer who made the car the hunter got to the edge of the wild in, the maker of his waterproof shoes, the various manufacturers of his mittens, glasses, overcoat - and that's only the beginning of the list. The "sportsman" who shoots an animal should then make a speech, like the actor who wins an Oscar does, thanking the multitudes behind the scenes who made this "victory" possible.
Dick CavettA biggest mistake I made when I started doing a talk show was I thought you had to read the books.
Dick CavettComedians are sometimes resentful of their writers. Probably because it's hard for giant egos to admit you need anyone but yourself to be what you are.
Dick CavettYou would have to be naive to think you can appear on television and not have the material edited in some way.
Dick CavettI haven't ever found any great writing on that wonderful and often unappreciated art form, the insult.
Dick CavettEvery writer knows that unless you were born gifted with either supreme confidence or outsize ego, handing in your work holds, in some cases, admitted terror. If that's too strong, at least fairly high anxiety.
Dick CavettPerhaps the saddest irony of depression is that suicide happens when the patient gets a little better and can again function sufficiently.
Dick CavettThere are online forms you can fill out to send to your lawmakers, demanding that nothing - nothing at all or in any way - be done about any guns whatever, anywhere.
Dick CavettI eat at this German-Chinese restaurant and the food is delicious. The only problem is that an hour later you're hungry for power.
Dick CavettI had to fight the intellectual label when I started in television, because, first of all, it's not going to help you commercially, and also, it wasn't particularly true of me. I mean, if anybody thought I was an intellectual, they probably had never really seen one.
Dick CavettI have a feeling that about 90% of my life has been shaped by my voice, both as an embarrassment and as an advantage. There was always the terrible incongruity of this deep voice barreling out of this little body. Somewhere in the back of my mind I was aware that it was ludicrous, that it took on an importance that wasn't really there.
Dick CavettI don't think anyone ever gets over the surprise of how differently one audience's reaction is from another.
Dick CavettDepression - it falls into that small category of things like combat that, if you haven't been in it, you can say you can imagine it all you like. But it's truly different.
Dick CavettIn relative youth, we assume we'll remember everything. Someone should urge the young to think otherwise.
Dick CavettEvery time I nostalgically try to regain my liking of John McCain, he reaches into his sleaze bag and pulls out something malodorous.
Dick CavettI am always shocked that there are still a handful of defenders of the dubious practice of abstinence, surely the worst idea since chocolate-covered ants.
Dick CavettI'm the only talk show host, I think, if there's such a category in, what's called, the book of records, to have a guest die while we were taping the show, yeah.
Dick CavettAnyone working in the media can tell you that there seems to be an always-ready-to-explode segment of the populace for whom offense is a fate worse than anything imaginable. You'd think offense is one of the most calamitous things that could happen to a human being; right up there with the loss of a limb, or just missing a parking space.
Dick CavettNobody is going to try to confiscate guns, although some Web sites know better: President Obama, they are certain, wants to.
Dick CavettI have a disturbing problem with losing things. My vulnerability to loss-distress could properly be labeled not only inordinate, but neurotic.
Dick CavettThe greatest benefit of depression is the fact that when I have talked about it, every so often someone comes up and says, you saved my dad's life.
Dick CavettAn effective speaker can do more damage or more good in a well-stated minute than an angry klutz could do in half an hour.
Dick CavettA conversation does not have to be scintillating in order to be memorable. I once met a president of the United States, and his second sentence to me was about knees.
Dick CavettIn the main, ghosts are said to be forlorn and generally miserable, if not downright depressed. The jolly ghost is rare.
Dick CavettI'm sure I've all but lost friends by maintaining that, despite their love for it, I always saw Stanley Kramer's 'It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World' as more of an exercise in anti-comedy than humor.
Dick CavettIt was well after college that I learned about depression. I got my first job for Jack Paar. I realized I was sleeping 14 hours a day and just living for the Paar show.
Dick CavettRadio, which was a much better medium than television will ever be, was easy and pleasant to listen to. Your mind filled automatically with images.
Dick Cavett