Movement practice gets all your creative juices flowing. It doesn't just release your body, but it opens up your heart and empties out your mind, as well.
Gabrielle RothDon't be afraid to show your light.. If it ends up being too much for people.. tell them to wear sunglasses!
Gabrielle RothMovement is my medicine, my meditation, my metaphor and my method, a living language we can rely upon to tell us the truth about who we are, who we are with, and where we are going. There is no dogma in the dance.
Gabrielle RothMine is the art of inspiring people to turn themselves inside out, transform their suffering into art, their art into awareness and their awareness into action
Gabrielle RothYour body is the ground and metaphor of your life, the expression of your existence. It is your Bible, your encyclopedia, your life story. Everything that happens to you is stored and reflected in your body. In the marriage of flesh and spirit divorce is impossible.
Gabrielle RothYour body is the ground metaphor of your life, the expression of your existence. It is your Bible, your encyclopaedia, your life story.
Gabrielle RothWhen we give ourselves over completely to the spirit of the dance, it becomes a prayer
Gabrielle RothImagination is powerful. Imagination is healing. All you need is the courage to visualize what should be, and then give yourself to its creation. The result may not be what you expected, but it will be right.
Gabrielle RothDance is movement, is action, and like all action, it reveals us to ourselves in the doing.
Gabrielle RothI believe in the power of motion, the wisdom of gravity, the emptiness of true love, the fact that there is no way out but through the body, no way up unless we all go together, no way down unless we follow the beat, no way in unless we embrace the dark.
Gabrielle RothIn many shamanic societies, people who complain of being disheartened... or depressed would be asked,... When did you stop dancing? ... This is because dancing is a universal healing salve.
Gabrielle RothThere is no true joy and compassion except through the difficult emotions - all we get without the experience of fear, anger, and sadness are cheap imitations of joy and compassion - pleasantness and sentimentality.
Gabrielle RothAs Einstein queried, 'Why is it that I get my best ideas in the morning while I'm shaving?' Shaving is like meditation with a sharp object. When the mind is empty and receptive, big ideas flow through every cell of our body. When we're thinking too hard, we tense up and nothing can flow through us; our energy gets stuck in our heads. Sometimes you have to take a leap of faith and trust that if you turn off your head, your feet will take you where you need to go.
Gabrielle RothOur soul, our true self, is the most mysterious, essential, and magical dimension of our being. In fact, it is not a separate reality, as traditional Western thought views it, but the cohesive force that unites our body, heart, and mind. It is not a ghost trapped somehow in the physical machinery of our body but the very essence of our being.
Gabrielle RothMovement is my medium and my metaphor. I know that if a wave of energy is allowed to complete itself, it yields a whole new wave, and in fact that is all I really know. Riding these waves means joining the cosmic dance that, as Dante says, 'moves the sun and the other stars.'
Gabrielle RothYou just have to determine to settle for nothing less than being FULLY ALIVE, to show up, be who you are, and share your gifts.
Gabrielle RothYour body is the ground metaphor of your life, the expression of your existence... So many of us are not in our bodies, really at home and vibrantly present there. Nor are we in touch with the basic rhythms that constitute our bodily life. We live outside ourselves - in our heads, our memories, our longings - absentee landlords of our own estate. My way back into life was ecstatic dance. I reentered my body by learning to move my self, to dance my own dance from the inside out, not the outside in.
Gabrielle RothWe dance to fall in love with the spirit in all things, to wipe out memory or transform it into moves that nobody else can make because they didnโt live it.
Gabrielle RothWhen your world falls apart and you're left with just yourself, you're forced to discover who you are without all the beliefs, expectations, views, & self-image provided by some teacher or system. The calculating mind gives way to the intuitive mind, Knowing without Thinking.
Gabrielle RothYour soul is a seeker, lover and artist; shape-shifting through archetypal energy, between your darkness and fields of light, your body and spirit, your heaven and hell, until you land in the moment of sweet surrender; when you, as a dancer, disappear into the dance.
Gabrielle RothWhen I am dancing, it feels like my prayer. It's like an offering. I offer my head back to the dance, I offer my shoulders back to the dance, my elbows, my hands, my spine, my knees, my feet, my whole self, my bones, my blood, my experience, my suffering... I offer it all back to the dance and I say: take it, do whatever you want with me. Release me.
Gabrielle RothWe're constantly changing and any practice meant to serve our authenticity should reflect our fluid nature.
Gabrielle RothThe fastest, cleanest, most joyful way to break out of your own box is by dancing. I'm not talking about doing the stand-and-sway. I'm talking about dancing so deep, so hard, so full of the beat that you are nothing but the dance and the beat and the sweat and the heat.
Gabrielle RothArt is not just ornamental, an enhancement of life. It is a path in itself, a way out of the predictable and conventional... a map to self discovery.
Gabrielle RothWe dance to reclaim our brilliant ability to disappear in something bigger, something safe, a space without a critic or a judge or an analyst.
Gabrielle RothIt's beautiful to dance alone, beautiful to dance with your children, beautiful to dance with your friends, beautiful to dance with your lover, or even collectively. But the ultimate dance is the one we do by ourselves, when we make ourselves known to God.
Gabrielle RothHealing is movement. Disease is inertia. If you put the body in motion, you will change.
Gabrielle RothWe have lost awe and wonder. In reference to the mystery of life itself, we've lost respect for movement in our planet.
Gabrielle RothCompassion is a chameleon: it can wear the face of fear, anger, sadness, joy or even dispassion, depending on what's needed at the time. The compassionate Buddha has a smile in one eye and a tear in the other, and our Buddha mission is to lead people to true freedom, not to hold their hand and tell them that everything is going to be all right. In teaching, compassion means doing whatever needs to be done to get to the next phase.
Gabrielle Roth