It takes many years to become proficient in energy conservation. But it is something that happens. You get continually stronger. You see your attention field is far different than it ever was before.
Frederick LenzNaturally, the Zen Master Rama philosophy is to have a high state of awareness and material success.
Frederick LenzWhile I had many friends as a child I aslo kept a great deal to myself. I noticed that adults were drawn to me. They would talk to me for hours at my parents' parties. Strange to find yourself at seven, dressed in pagamas with feet, listening to adults tell you their deepest secrets.
Frederick LenzIn the Atlantean civilization, law existed to create order, that is to say, to see justice was done. In the old way, the law was equal for all, not the strong win and the weak lose.
Frederick LenzYou might have a warrior spirit in there somewhere, and it's just waiting for the opportunity to come out. If you do, you might be a candidate for the pathway to enlightenment.
Frederick LenzThere is illusion, the way you see things now, thinking that there is a tomorrow, there is a today, there is time and that there is life and death. Those are just appearances
Frederick LenzSex can never bring about enlightenment. Only enlightenment brings about enlightenment.
Frederick LenzYou see, Buddhists are optimists. We never saw sunsets in Atlantis like we do now. We didn't have those great chemicals in the air.
Frederick LenzAs spirits we have always existed in a generalized form, since we are all part of the universe. As individual spirits, we have existed for a timeless time.
Frederick LenzThe heart chakra is located in the center of your chest. Hold your right or left hand out. Now say "Me" and, as you do so, touch your chest. You will automatically touch your heart chakra.
Frederick LenzWhen you see someone's aura, it is an outer reflection of the subtle physical body. It is about the same shape as the physical body, although it can become thousands of things.
Frederick LenzPeople use ideas of non-duality as an escape from reality. It is very easy to say there is no winning and losing and justify the fact that you didn't do a very good job.
Frederick LenzDon't judge others. Always be open to them. Avoid the cult mentality, you know, the super-slick, "I'm superior because I meditate, because I'm on the pathway to enlightenment," the subtle ego nonsense, terrible trap.
Frederick LenzPractice mediation and concentration exercises, and begin to think more about regaining your sensitivity by avoiding draining situations. Not because of fear but because of intelligence.
Frederick LenzIt is better to agree with a "wrong" idea than to press a "right" idea on other people.
Frederick LenzI have yet to see a career that is similar in benefit as computer science for doing the advanced exercises.
Frederick LenzIf you are mindful in your work, if you put your best effort into it, then something comes back to you.
Frederick LenzNirvikalpa Samadhi means that you've gone off the board; you've gone off the map. There is no way to describe it. You have attained liberation and are no longer bound by the cycle of existence. You just are, and yet you're not, at the same time.
Frederick LenzIf we have a giant mansion and we don't keep it as well as that room, then our yoga isn't good and our attention field will be very poor and we won't have power, and we'll be totally hooked on the transient .
Frederick LenzThe problem with monasteries, ashrams, convents is these institutions become extremely political. In other words, they're really small societies, and much of what you hope to avoid in societies you find there.
Frederick LenzThe planet earth is a sub-world, way below what's average, because if an enlightened being walked through New York City today, no one would see him or her. They wouldn't see the glow.
Frederick LenzEveryone is on the verge of insanity ... insanity meaning on the verge of the unknown.
Frederick LenzWithin the human frequency of perception, what you see is what you get. I would classify the bottom of the band as severe unhappiness, depression and alimentation.
Frederick LenzWhat you focus on you become. If you spend an hour or two a day meditating and focusing on light, then you will eventually become light.
Frederick LenzSo, those who hate, those who are violent in nature, live in a world of hate and fear and violence inside themselves, inside their minds, inside their awareness.
Frederick LenzPeople seek to put you in an off-balance situation so they can get to you. Psychic people, people who meditate, are more susceptible; they are more open and sensitive. It is easier to jam them.
Frederick LenzWe cut up time and space and mind and place and being and non-being. We create a world of ideas. This is duality, pairs of apparent opposites.
Frederick LenzPeople enter states of consciousness where they think they've become enlightened. The best thing to do, if you've gone through one of those phases, is to be sensible, laugh at yourself for how foolish you were.
Frederick LenzThe other side is beyond knowing. You cannot know what you experience on the other side, here. Wisdom is beyond the grasp of the conscious mind.
Frederick LenzSpend time all day and all night monitoring your thoughts, constantly keeping them in a high plateau. Avoid places and people that pull your energy down.
Frederick LenzSelf-acceptance is involved in this process. You have got to be able to look at both your dark and your light side and not get enamored or depressed by either.
Frederick LenzDon't always talk about your life, where you live, interests - people learn from your vibratory form and can get inside you. Plus those relationships where you know everything about each other are boring!
Frederick LenzIn a few short years you might have to become a scuba diver and go hundreds of feet underwater - It will be the last refuge of pure aura and power on our planet, the oceans' depths.
Frederick LenzAngry people, unhappy people, people that seek to injure others, these people all have something in common. They waste energy. They don't conserve it and they don't know how to increase it.
Frederick LenzAs long as you wish to separate yourself from the immortal consciousness, you will suffer. You will experience the pain of the separation, the abridgment of infinite mind in finite form.
Frederick LenzWhen you chant "Aum" or any mantra, do so softly and gently. Extend the sound. Focus your awareness on the sound of the mantra and become absorbed in it.
Frederick LenzOver the years of much self-hate, I came to realize that whether sexuality was in my life or not, it didn't seem to matter. I just surrendered the whole thing to God.
Frederick LenzIn Buddhist Yoga, we refer to our mutlilife karmic traits as samskaras. They are the internal karmic patterns that make each of us who we are.
Frederick LenzWhen your life becomes clear and pure, when your mind is clear and your view of life is unobstructed, then you'll be at peace with yourself. Then you will be happy.
Frederick Lenz