Neurotics think of the past with resentment, and the future with dread; the present just doesn't exist.
Mignon McLaughlinWhen first we fall in love, we feel that we know all there is to know about life, and perhaps we are right.
Mignon McLaughlinNeurotics are sure that no one understands them, and they wouldn't have it any other way.
Mignon McLaughlinA critic can only review the book he has read, not the one which the writer wrote.
Mignon McLaughlinIf there is something you must do and you cannot do it, you cannot do anything else.
Mignon McLaughlinWe waste a lot of time running after people we could have caught by just standing still.
Mignon McLaughlinPeople will disapprove of you if you're unhappy, or if you're happy in The Wrong Way.
Mignon McLaughlinIf you see in your children most of your own faults, you have failed as a parent, but succeeded as a neurotic.
Mignon McLaughlinIt's hard to feel middle-aged, because how can you tell how long you are going to live?
Mignon McLaughlinThe marriage of convenience has this to recommend it: we are better judges of convenience than we are of love.
Mignon McLaughlinNeurotics expect you to remember all the things that they tell you, and many that they don't.
Mignon McLaughlinThe two main hazards of psychoanalysis: that it might fail, and that if it succeeds, you'll never be able to forgive yourself for all those wasted years.
Mignon McLaughlinOne day you are an apprentice, and everybody's pet; the next, you are coldly expected to deliver. There is never sufficient warning that the second day is coming.
Mignon McLaughlinThe neurotic thinks himself both Hamlet and Claudius, in a world that belongs to Polonius.
Mignon McLaughlinNeurotics would like to sleep all the time, and to be awakened only when there is good news.
Mignon McLaughlinMen really prefer reasonably attractive women; they go after the sensational ones to impress other men.
Mignon McLaughlinNostalgia for what we have lost is more bearable than nostalgia for what we have never had, for the first involves knowledge and pleasure, the second only ignorance and pain.
Mignon McLaughlinOne of life's few really reliable pleasures: to have a family you love, and to leave them for a week.
Mignon McLaughlinIt's impossible to be loyal to your family, your friends, your country, and your principles, all at the same time.
Mignon McLaughlinWe are never more self-righteous than when giving up what we should have shunned all along.
Mignon McLaughlinSpring, summer, and fall fill us with hope; winter alone reminds us of the human condition.
Mignon McLaughlinI tell you this, and I tell you plain: What you have done, you will do again; You will bite your tongue, careful or not, Upon the already-bitten spot.
Mignon McLaughlinSome women love only what they can hold in their arms; others, only what they can't.
Mignon McLaughlinWhen women feel they have learned to forgive their mothers - and men, their fathers - all it usually means is that they've decided to allow themselves the same kind of behavior.
Mignon McLaughlinFamily quarrels have a total bitterness unmatched by others. Yet it sometimes happens that they also have a kind of tang, a pleasantness beneath the unpleasantness, based on the tacit understanding that this is not for keeps; that any limb you climb out on will still be there later for you to climb back.
Mignon McLaughlin