The best way to motivate other people to help YOU fulfil your goals is to help them fulfil THEIR goals
Deepak ChopraAs you embrace the present and become one with it, and merge with it, you will experience a fire, a glow, a sparkle of ecstasy throbbing in every sentient being. As you begin to experience this exultation of spirit in everything that is alive, as you become intimate with it, joy will be born within you, and you will drop the terrible burdens of defensiveness, resentment, and hurtfulness... then you will become lighthearted, carefree, joyous, and free.
Deepak ChopraDon't hold onto negative feelings by justifying why you are right and someone else is wrong.
Deepak ChopraEnlightened leadership is spiritual if we understand spirituality not as some kind of religious dogma or ideology but as the domain of awareness where we experience values like truth, goodness, beauty, love and compassion, and also intuition, creativity, insight and focused attention.
Deepak ChopraGay and Kathlyn Hendricks show us how to discover the secrets to healing, love, intuition and insight.
Deepak ChopraThere is a light within each of us that can never be diminished or extinguished. It can only be obscured by forgetting who we are
Deepak ChopraEvery day, take some time to meditate and cultivate inner quiet. Then ask yourself what I call the "soul questions": Who am I? What do I want? What is the purpose and meaning of my life?
Deepak ChopraSo the universe is constantly moving in the direction of higher evolutionary impulses, creativity, abstraction, and meaning.
Deepak ChopraI heard about Bhagavad Gita very early in my childhood, from the age of five onwards. It was one of the earliest things I started to read when I started to read. And it was very much a part of my consciousness. In the beginning, I saw the "Bhagavad Gita" as a text that was very classical, much like the "Iliad" and the "Odyssey" - a mythical saga that showed the eternal conflict between good and evil. But much later, as I grew up, I realized that it was much more than that.
Deepak ChopraWe all feel the urge to condemn ourselves out of guilt, to blame others for our misfortunes and to fantasize about total disaster.
Deepak ChopraWhatever mistake you have made about who you are is temporary. Your true identity has remained untouched. You have never sinned against it or affected it in any way except to lose touch with it.
Deepak ChopraThe ultimate goal of all goals is to be happy. If you want to be happy make someone else happy.
Deepak ChopraYou will begin to see your life as an opportunity to share the special gift you alone can bestow upon the world.
Deepak ChopraThe difference between destruction of the immune system and stimulation of the immune system is an interpretation.
Deepak ChopraAnd for me anyway, consciousness is three components: a personal component which for lack of a better word we can call the soul. A collective component which is more archetypal and a deeper level, and then a universal domain of consciousness.
Deepak ChopraHow do we awaken to this true Self? By going within and putting our attention on the silent presence in our heart - the silent witness that is detached from sensory experience and at the same time enjoys that experience in complete freedom.
Deepak ChopraBut the real secret to lifelong good health is actually the opposite: Let your body take care of you.
Deepak ChopraA flow of happiness and abundance will manifest when you have reached the deepest level of yourSelf.
Deepak ChopraHere are a few ways to face a habit and say "no" to it: Go outside your fixed routine; turn off the computer and the television; find a new outlet for your down time; talk to someone who holds a viewpoint contrary to yours and pay respectful attention, really listening.
Deepak ChopraSeeing yourself with the eyes of love makes it natural to see the Divine Spirit in everyone you meet.
Deepak ChopraEverything is the same spirit watching itself through the eyes of different observers.
Deepak ChopraChildren need loving attention, closeness and deep affection and also loving touch. Love will make them feel safe.
Deepak ChopraAlthough we think that we think, most of the time we are being thought by the collective mind, the hypnosis of conditioning.
Deepak ChopraIf we are creating ourselves all the time, then it is never too late to begin creating the bodies we want instead of the ones we mistakenly assume we are stuck with.
Deepak ChopraOur intentions attract the elements and forces, the events, the situation, the circumstances and the relationships necessary to fulfill the intended outcome. We don't need to become involved in the details-in fact, trying too hard may backfire. Let the non-local intelligence synchronize the actions of the universe to fulfill your intentions for you.
Deepak ChopraBy connecting with the present we turn our attention inward, away from all the chaos and activity, and experience our eternal, unbounded nature.
Deepak ChopraMy first exposure to the vocabulary of inter-beingness was through the writings of Thich Nhat Hahn, to whom I remain enormously grateful.
Deepak ChopraThe fastest growing segment of the population in the world right now is over the age of 90, and in some cases over the age of 100 in some countries. So people are living longer. And even though much of it is attributed to modern medicine, it's not. It's lifestyle. It's nutrition. It's the quality of exercise, the ability to manage stress.
Deepak ChopraWhat you experience as "reality," including your physical body and aging, is shaped by your habits of perception.
Deepak ChopraLoving another person is not separate from loving God. One is a single wave, the other is the ocean.
Deepak Chopra