He (Mickey Mantle) should lead the league in everything. With his combination of speed and power he should win the triple batting crown every year. In fact, he should do anything he wants to do.
Casey StengelI became a major league manager in several cities and was discharged. We call it discharged because there was no question I had to leave.
Casey StengelHe (Lyndon B. Johnson) wanted to see poverty, so he came to see my team (1964 New York Mets).
Casey StengelI never saw anyone like Ty Cobb. No one even close to him as the greatest all-time ballplayer. That guy was superhuman, amazing.
Casey StengelWhenever I decided to release a guy, I always had his room searched first for a gun. You couldn't take any chances with some of them birds.
Casey StengelWell, that's baseball. Rags to riches one day and riches to rags the next. But I've been in it 36 years and I'm used to it.
Casey StengelYou gotta learn that if you don't get it by midnight, chances are you ain't gonna get it, and if you do, it ain't worth it.
Casey StengelBeen in this game one-hundred years, but I see new ways to lose 'em I never knew existed before.
Casey StengelThe trouble with women umpires is that I couldn't argue with one. I'd put my arms around her and give her a little kiss.
Casey StengelOldtimers, weekends, and airplane landings are alike. If you can walk away from them, they're successful.
Casey StengelJohnny Sain don't say much, but that don't matter much, because when you're out there on the mound, you got nobody to talk to.
Casey StengelThere's nobody on my ball club that doesn't go from first to third on a base hit, or from second to home. Every time you steal a base, you're taking a gamble on getting thrown out, and taking the bat out of the hitter's hand.
Casey StengelNever wear a backward baseball cap to an interview unless applying for the job of umpire.
Casey StengelI would not admire hitting against Ryne Duren, because if he ever hit you in the head you might be in the past tense.
Casey StengelIf you walk backwards, you'll find out you can go forwards and people won't know if you're coming or going.
Casey StengelWhen you are younger you get blamed for crimes you never committed and when you're older you begin to get credit for virtues you never possessed. It evens itself out.
Casey StengelI feel greatly honored to have a ballpark named after me, especially since I've been thrown out of so many.
Casey Stengel(Rogers) Hornsby could run like anything but not like this kid. (Ty) Cobb was the fastest I ever saw for being sensational on the bases.
Casey StengelAll that analysis is well and good, but what I need right now is a left-handed batter who can hit the ball over the shortstop's head.
Casey StengelI came in here and a fella asked me to have a drink. I said I don't drink. Then another fella said hear you and Joe DiMaggio aren't speaking and I said I'll take that drink.
Casey Stengel