In the whole history of the world there is but one thing that money cannot wit--the wag of a dog's tail.
Josh BillingsNewfoundland dogs are good to save children from drowning, but you must have a pond of water handy and a child, or else there will be no profit in boarding a Newfoundland.
Josh BillingsIt is easy to assume a habit; but when you try to cast it off, it will take skin and all.
Josh BillingsMy advice to those who are about to begin, in earnest, the journey of life, is to take their heart in one hand and a club in the other.
Josh BillingsMost people repent their sins by thanking God they ain't so wicked as their neighbors.
Josh BillingsTo bring up a child in the way he should go, travel that way yourself once in a while.
Josh BillingsSekts and creeds ov religion, are like pocket compesses, good enuff tu pinte out the direction, but the nearer the pole yu git thewuss tha wurk.
Josh BillingsThe best time for you to hold your tongue is the time you feel you must say something or bust.
Josh BillingsIt is true that wealth won't make a man virtuous, but I notice there ain't anybody who wants to be poor just for the purpose of being good.
Josh BillingsThreescore years and ten is enough; if a man can't suffer all the misery he wants in that time, he must be numb.
Josh BillingsThe man whose only pleasure in life is making money, weighs less on the moral scale than an angleworm.
Josh BillingsIt ain't what a man don't know that makes him a fool, but what he does know that ain't so.
Josh BillingsSeneca devoted much of his time to writing essays in praise of poverty, and in lending money at usurious rates.
Josh BillingsZoroaster said, when in doubt abstain; but this does not always apply. At cards, when in doubt take the trick.
Josh BillingsDon't ever prophesy; for if you prophesy wrong, nobody will forget it; and if you prophesy right, nobody will remember it.
Josh BillingsI haven't got as much money as some folks, but I've got as much impudence as any of them, and that's the next thing to money.
Josh BillingsIf a man is right, he can't be too radical; if he is wrong, he can't be too conservative.
Josh BillingsIf a man should happen to reach perfection in this world, he would have to die immediately to enjoy himself.
Josh BillingsWhen you do laugh, open your mouth wide enough for the noise to get out without squealing, throw your head back as though you were going to be shaved, hold on to your false hair with both hands and then laugh till your soul gets thoroughly rested.
Josh Billings