You needn't love your enemy, but if you refrain from telling lies about him, you are doing well enough.
E. W. HoweAs a man handles his troubles during the day, so he goes to bed at night a General, Captain, or Private.
E. W. HoweIf your faith is opposed to experience, to human learning and investigation, it is not worth the breath used in giving it expression.
E. W. HoweI declare my belief that it is not your duty to do anything that is not to your own interest. Whenever it is unquestionably your duty to do a thing, then it will benefit you to perform that duty.
E. W. HoweIf you don't learn to laugh at troubles, you won't have anything to laugh at when you grow old.
E. W. HoweIt may be a cold, clammy thing to say, but those that treat friendship the same as any other selfishness seem to get the most out of it.
E. W. HoweThe greatest thing in the world is for a man to be able to do something well, and say nothing about it.
E. W. HowePeople are always neglecting something they can do in trying to do something they can't do.
E. W. HoweSome men storm imaginary Alps all their lives, and die in the foothills cursing difficulties which do not exist.
E. W. HoweWhen a man tells you what people are saying about you, tell him what people are saying about him; that will immediately take his mind off your troubles.
E. W. HoweIf you have sense enough to realize why flies gather around a restaurant, you should be able to appreciate why men run for office.
E. W. HoweWhen I am idle and shiftless, my affairs become confused; when I work, I get results ... not great results, but enough to encourage me.
E. W. HoweA woman does not spend all her time in buying things; she spends part of it in taking them back.
E. W. HoweFriends are like a pleasant park where you wish to go; while you may enjoy the flowers, you may not eat them.
E. W. HoweThe greatest humiliation in life, is to work hard on something from which you expect great appreciation, and then fail to get it.
E. W. HoweMarriage is a good deal like a circus: there is not as much in it as is represented in the advertising.
E. W. HoweIt is your enemies who keep you straight. For real use one active, sneering enemy is worth two ordinary friends.
E. W. HoweWhen I get hold of a book I particularly admire, I am so enthusiastic that I loan it to someone who never brings it back.
E. W. HoweWhen a man is trying to sell you something, don't imagine he is that polite all the time.
E. W. Howe