When a friend is in trouble, don't annoy him by asking if there is anything you can do. Think up something appropriate and do it.
E. W. HoweI have long been disposed to judge men by their average. If it is reasonably high, I am charitable with faults that look pretty black.
E. W. HoweOne trouble with growing old is that it gets progressively tougher to find a famous historical figure, who didn't amount to much when he was your age.
E. W. HoweWhere the guests at a gathering are well-acquainted, they eat 20 per cent more than they otherwise would.
E. W. HoweThe feeling of sleepiness when you are not in bed, and can't get there, is the meanest feeling in the world.
E. W. HoweEvery successful person I have heard of has done the best he could with the conditions as he found them, and not waited until next year for better.
E. W. HoweIf you go to church, and like the singing better than the preaching, that's not orthodox.
E. W. HoweThere is only one thing for a man to do who is married to a woman who enjoys spending money, and that is to enjoy earning it.
E. W. HoweDon't take up a man's time talking about the smartness of your children; he wants to talk to you about the smartness of his children.
E. W. HoweIf a man has money, it is usually a sign, too, that he knows how to take care of it; don't imagine his money is easy to get simply because he has plenty of it.
E. W. HoweThere is nothing so well known as that we should not expect something for nothing - but we all do and call it Hope.
E. W. HoweWhat is common sense? That which attracts the least opposition that which brings most agreeable and worthy results.
E. W. HoweLove affairs have always greatly interested me, but I do not greatly care for them in books or moving pictures. In a love affair, I wish to be the hero, with no audience present.
E. W. HoweWhen men are not regretting that life is so short, they are doing something to kill time.
E. W. HoweThere is always a type of man who says he loves his fellow men, and expects to make a living at it.
E. W. HoweMan is still a savage to the extent that he has little respect for anything that cannot hurt him.
E. W. HoweHonesty is largely a matter of information, of knowing that dishonesty is a mistake. Principle is not as powerful in keeping people straight as a policeman.
E. W. HoweReading is like permitting a man to talk a long time, and refusing you the right to answer.
E. W. HoweThe most agreeable thing in life is worthy accomplishment. It is not possible that the idle tramp is as contented as the farmers along the road who own their own farms, and whose credit is good at the bank in town. When the tramps get together at night, they abuse the farmers, but do not get as much satisfaction out of it as do the farmers who abuse the tramps. The sounder your argument, the more satisfaction you get out of it.
E. W. HoweYou can't do anything unless you do it yourself. And usually you can't do it yourself very well.
E. W. Howe