See, the thing of it is, there's a lot of ugly people out there walking around but they don't know they're ugly because nobody actually tells them.
Jerry SeinfeldThe Olympics is my favourite sporting event. Although I have a problem with that silver medal. When you think about it, you win the gold - you feel good, you win the bronze - you think, 'Well at least I got something'. But when you win silver, it's like, 'Congratulations, you 'almost' won. Of all the losers, you came in first of that group. You're the number one 'loser.' No one lost ahead of you.
Jerry SeinfeldWhen I jumped off a roof in Cannes in a bee costume, I looked ridiculous. But this is my business; I have to humiliate myself.
Jerry SeinfeldSomebody just gave me a shower radio. Thanks a lot. Do you really want music in the shower? I guess there's no better place to dance than a slick surface next to a glass door.
Jerry SeinfeldWhat's with this weird hotel custom of leaving a piece of chocolate on the pillow? I awoke thinking my brain had hemorrhaged some sort of fecal matter.
Jerry SeinfeldSometimes they'll make little Play-Doh animals, and when they go to sleep, I'll break the heads off the animals and put them at the foot of their beds for them to discover in the morning. Nothing wrong with sending your kids a little Sicilian message.
Jerry SeinfeldOn the side of box of my superman costume it actually said - 'Do not attempt to fly!'
Jerry SeinfeldSeems to me the basic conflict between men and women, sexually, is that men are like firemen. To men, sex is an emergency, and no matter what we're doing we can be ready in two minutes. Women, on the other hand, are like fire. They're very exciting, but the conditions have to be exactly right for it to occur.
Jerry SeinfeldWhy would you want to work for a living if you could just joke around? Being a celebrity expands your commercial possibilities.
Jerry SeinfeldGolf is the ultimate avoidance activity for the dysfunctional dad. A game so nonsensically difficult, so pointless, so irrationally time consuming, the word golf itself can only stand for โGet Out, Leave Family.โ
Jerry SeinfeldArtists are always looking for new things and fresh ground and fresh air. If it feels new to me, there's a chance it'll feel new to the audience and we'll have found something.
Jerry SeinfeldTwitter is good. Why say a lot to a few people when you can say virtually nothing to everyone?
Jerry Seinfeld[I like to] engage with funny people, or weird people, or, you know, kind of off people. [Whereas when I meet] anybody who's ... normal ... I'm not curious, I'm not interested.
Jerry SeinfeldYou know what I never get with the limo? The tinted windows. Is that so people don't see you? Yeah, what a better way not to have people notice you than taking a thirty foot Cadillac with a TV antenna and a uniformed driver. How discreet. Nobody cares who's in the limo. You see a limo go by, you know it's either some rich jerk or fifty prom kids with $1.75 each.
Jerry SeinfeldI have no plants in my house. They won't live for me. Some of them don't even wait to die, they commit suicide.
Jerry SeinfeldLife is truly a ride. We're all strapped in and no one can stop it. When the doctor slaps your behind, he's ripping your ticket and away you go. As you make each passage from youth to adulthood to maturity, sometimes you put your arms up and scream, sometimes you just hang on to that bar in front of you. But the ride is the thing. I think the most you can hope for at the end of life is that your hair's messed, you're out of breath, and you didn't throw up.
Jerry SeinfeldOnce you start doing only what you've already proven you can do, you're on the road to death.
Jerry SeinfeldWe're all trying to get to the same island โ whether you swim, fly, surf, or skydive, it doesn't matter. What matters is when the red light goes on.
Jerry SeinfeldMen want the same thing from their underwear that they want from women: a little bit of support, and a little bit of freedom.
Jerry SeinfeldThere's no downside to fame and people who whine about it make me sick. It's the greatest thing in the world.
Jerry SeinfeldThat's the most comfortable place for me. In the beginning, yes, I was nervous going on stage. I was not a natural performer. I really had to acquire that skill.
Jerry SeinfeldThen, finally, the third year, begging the parents, I got the Superman Halloween costume. Cardboard box, self-made top, mask included. Remember the rubber band on the back of that mask? That was a quality item there, wasn't it? That was good for about 10 seconds before it snapped out of that cheap little staple they put it in there with.
Jerry SeinfeldThe worst thing about television is that everybody you see on television is doing something better than what you're doing. You never see anybody on TV just sliding off the front of the sofa, with potato chip crumbs all over their shirt.
Jerry SeinfeldIntroducing 'Lite': the new way to spell 'Light'; but with twenty per cent fewer letters.
Jerry SeinfeldThis is one of my big things of creative pursuits. You have your idea you want to do, but then you got to figure out what does this thing want to be? You got to let it lead you a little.
Jerry SeinfeldI know there are kids out there, I want to make sure they all know that driving without braking is not something I recommend, unless you have professional clown training or a comedy background, as I do. It is not something I plan to make a habit.
Jerry SeinfeldI was in the drug store the other day trying to get a cold medication...Not easy. There's an entire wall of products you need. You stand there going,"Well, this one is quick acting but this is long lasting...Which is more important, the present or the future?"
Jerry SeinfeldWhat would the world be like if people said whatever they were thinking, all the time, whenever it came to them? How long would a blind date last? About 13 seconds, I think. Oh, sorry, your rear end is too big. That's ok, your breath stinks anyway. See you later.
Jerry SeinfeldAirline hostesses show you how to use a seatbelt in case you haven't been in a car since 1965.
Jerry SeinfeldI had a parakeet that used to fly around the house and crash into these huge mirrors my mother put in. Ever heard of this interior design principle, that a mirror makes it seem like you have an entire other room? What kind of jerk walks up to a mirror and goes, Hey look, there's a whole other room in there. There's a guy that looks just like me in there.
Jerry SeinfeldMen, as an organization, are getting more women than any other group working anywhere in the world. Wherever women are, we have men looking into it.
Jerry SeinfeldWell, all comedy starts with anger. You get angry, and its never for a good reason, right? You know its not a good reason. And then you try and work it from there.
Jerry SeinfeldSurveys show that the #1 fear of Americans is public speaking. #2 is death. That means that at a funeral, the average American would rather be in the casket than doing the eulogy.
Jerry SeinfeldAnd that's when I realized, when you're a kid you don't need a costume, you ARE superman.
Jerry SeinfeldThe greatest thing about being a comedian is knowing other comedians. And you get to talk to them. Its the most fun.
Jerry Seinfeld