Often when you are starting out in comedy, you will find that people will laugh at the things you didn't think were funny. It's important to pay attention also to what people are laughing at when you are just talking in regular conversation. Often that is when you are truly being yourself.
Natasha LeggeroI'm not 'one of the guys.' I don't want to pretend to be one on stage. I'm not going to dress like a guy or carry myself like one.
Natasha LeggeroI was raised Catholic in Rockford, Illinois. But I'm not a practicing Catholic anymore. Oh God, no.
Natasha LeggeroGluten free pizza elicits the same response at a hollywood party that a pile of cocaine did in the 80's.
Natasha LeggeroGetting worried there might not be enough talent in America to acommodate all these singing shows.
Natasha LeggeroMy friends who have babies can't do anything. You can't go out at night. Having a baby is like a DUI from the universe.
Natasha LeggeroIf Jesus had known that his image would end up on Justin Bieber's calf, he would've never started Christianity.
Natasha LeggeroLovin this Ghost Ghirls! It was great to get to play a madame not just a boring prostitute.
Natasha LeggeroPop culture, it's crazy. There's all this violence in video games. In 'Call of Duty,' people are literally just blowing other people up. Hey, let's protect your country from your couch while eating your sandwich.
Natasha LeggeroMale comics are always coming up to me and they're like 'Hey Natasha. Don't you think you're a little attractive to be a comedian?' and I'm like 'Don't you think you're a little ugly to be talking to me?'
Natasha LeggeroMy dream part would be to play Mitt Romney's sarcastic black maid. We could call it 'Mammy & Me.'
Natasha LeggeroI just went home to Illinois, and I asked my family, 'Are you guys planning on talking in those accents the whole time I'm home?' And my mother said, 'You used to talk like that, too, Tasha.' And I said, 'Yes, but you see, I've reinvented myself. Do you have any idea who I think I am?'
Natasha LeggeroThe chasm between rich and poor is becoming larger, and I think it's interesting terrain to talk about and expose.
Natasha LeggeroHave you ever noticed that your ugliest friend is the most afraid of getting ruffied? It's like relax. YOU can take the coaster off your drink. There are at least three of us in line ahead of you.
Natasha LeggeroYour main contribution is spray painting your nickname on other people's things. And my cousin, who's a 'gangster', he's like, 'No, Tash, you don't understand; you throw a fat piece up there, that piece is yours.' I'm like, 'No one thinks you own Costco.'
Natasha LeggeroJames Franco, acting, teaching, directing, writing, producing, photography, soundtracks, editing - is there anything you can do?
Natasha LeggeroBragging that you had sex with a prostitute is like bragging that you got Doritos out of a vending machine.
Natasha LeggeroFor comedians, we're all kind of tweeting our thoughts instead of spending time developing them. You can gauge how good a joke might be by how many times it gets retweeted, but it takes discipline to go back through the tweets and then develop jokes from them.
Natasha LeggeroMake a sex tape, upload it, get on a reality show, release a perfume, retire. That's the new American dream.
Natasha Leggero