Rock and roll is catching on all over . . . France . . . England . . . They even have it in Japan, only over there they call it judo.
Bob HopeGerry Ford is easy to spot on the course. He drives the cart with the red cross painted on top.
Bob HopeAs soon as the war ended, we located the one spot on earth that hadn't been touched by the war and blew it to hell.
Bob HopeThe stealth bomber is supposed to be a big deal. It flies in undetected, bombs, then flies away. Hell, I've been doing that all my life.
Bob HopeEverybody is afraid they won't have any money after they die, but Jack Benny discovered a way to take it with him. He had his appendix taken out and a piggy bank put in.
Bob HopeI was lucky, you know, I always had a beautiful girl and the money was good. Although I would have done the whole thing over for, oh, perhaps half.
Bob HopeCypress Point is such a beautiful place, but it's also very exclusive. They had a very successful membership drive last month. They drove out forty members.
Bob HopeVice President Spiro Agnew can not cheat on his score : because all you have to do is look back down the fairway and count the wounded.
Bob HopeMy idea of Christmas, whether old-fashioned or modern, is very simple: loving others. Come to think of it, why do we have to wait for Christmas to do that?
Bob HopeBaseball is a soap opera that plays out day after day, one that a lot of elderly women watch until the characters and the plot becomes a part of their life. She got to enjoy the personal side of the players. They were her kids. The Braves were her family.
Bob HopeDrugs are very much a part of professional sports today, but when you think about it, golf is the only sport where the players aren't penalized for being on grass.
Bob HopeI just hope I don't have to explain all the times I've used His name in vain when I get up there.
Bob HopeI need money. I have a staff of 30, and four houses, never mind the government, to support.
Bob HopeThere was nothing subtle about our landing. The pilot just pointed the nose at the ground and let her rip.
Bob HopeSure, we did need the oil in America. How else could Dolly Parton get into some of her dresses?
Bob HopeCongress may be going home for the holidays soon. How can you beat a Christmas gift like that?
Bob HopeThe workers love Khrushchev very much. He hasn't got an enemy in the entire country. Quite a few under it.
Bob HopeThe old water heater in my dressing room was working, but it was kind of tired. It gave off about as much warmth as an agent's handshake.
Bob HopeMy next door neighbor just had a pacemaker installed. They're still working the bugs out, though. Every time he makes love, my garage door opens.
Bob HopeWhenever I play with him , I usually try to make it a foursome - the President, myself, a paramedic and a faith healer.
Bob Hope