Take away the robots and the special effects, and Star Wars is just the simple story of a group of friends planning a terrorist attack.
Dana GouldMy first open mic was fantastic. I crushed. And my second mic was as bad as my first one was good.
Dana GouldGorillas would be less scary with bunny ears. Actually, what isn't less scary with bunny ears? Osama Bin Laden with bunny ears. Ha! So cute.
Dana GouldChihuahuas are the perfect pet if you don't have a person in your life who screams and shits their pants every time there's a noise.
Dana GouldAnything is possible if you believe in yourself, said the guidance counsellor, stifling a laugh.
Dana GouldI feel sorry for high school teams still named the Cougars. Now what does the coach say? Get out there and play like horny old ladies!
Dana GouldEarthquakes would be great if they could hit specific areas, like the parent lounge at a children's beauty pageant.
Dana GouldYou write the script, and then you just go over it 400 times and make all the jokes better. It really is true. That's essentially the way it works.
Dana GouldWhat men say: I'm sorry, honey. I was wrong. What men think: I'd love a Chipwich. I should go get one.
Dana GouldIf there's one thing worse than being really angry for no reason, it's suddenly remembering the reason.
Dana GouldI used to fear living a life untouched by God, but now, for some reason I've gone back to being afraid of cement mixers.
Dana GouldWrote a science fiction novel about a man who wins an argument with his wife, but it was rejected for being too farfetched.
Dana GouldBecause of Bluetooth headsets, it's getting more and more difficult to tell who's schizophrenic and who's on a conference call.
Dana GouldWomen are like pumpkins; you search and search for the perfect one, bring it home, and the next thing you know, you're looking for a knife.
Dana GouldI was watching Batman, the TV show, on TV Land, on the cable. And Robin said to Batman, Golly, Batman! Why is the Joker so evil!? And Batman said, Careful, Robin. The criminal mind sees the world through a prism the solid citizen dare not peer through. Batman has a more nuanced worldview than the president.
Dana GouldSince the dawn of time, primitive humans thought, loved and had poetry. They also pooped on everything. It was horrible.
Dana GouldHad an audition for a pilot today, but realized I could save gas and help the environment by pissing up a rope here at home!
Dana GouldI don't mind being alone when I'm surrounded by people, I just hate being alone when I'm alone.
Dana GouldLet's all start wearing bolo ties, and when they become hip again, we'll all say we were kidding.
Dana GouldToday I saw a guy who looked like me in a funhouse mirror. He looked at me like, Hey, that's how I look reflected in the pond!
Dana GouldI don't like to generalize, but if you see a guy with his shirt tucked into his shorts, he's probably killed three or four children.
Dana GouldThe man who invented instant pudding was moved to action by an inability to wait for pudding.
Dana GouldWe would have never gotten mace had someone not thought, There must be a good way to burn someone's eyes.
Dana GouldIf I had a dreamcatcher when I was thirteen, it would have spent many long days in the dryer.
Dana GouldWhat if you went to Hell, and it was exactly what you thought it would be: just a cave with fire? And the devil really was this idiot in a red leotard with a pitchfork?
Dana GouldIf you're selling something on Craiglist, it's never a good idea to end the description with, May have lice.
Dana GouldAs hard as I try to live with some degree of faith in my life, I just can't believe that the full moon can turn dude into a wolf.
Dana GouldI wanted to be a comedian. I wanted to meet waitresses and felt that being a comedian was my best way to go about it and I was right.
Dana GouldFor men there are costumes like fireman, policeman and vampire. For women there are costumes like slutty fireman, slutty policeman and slutty vampire.
Dana GouldIt's gonna be awesome! A suspected pedophile dunks my kids head in a bucket so when she dies she can live in an invisible castle. Set the alarm!
Dana GouldIn the land of the blind, the one-eyed man will probably end up dating the best looking blind chick.
Dana GouldI went to high school with some wonderful people, but my entire high school experience was just waiting to leave.
Dana GouldIf pop music reflects the culture, this will surely go down as the era in which people rose up and realized it was fun to dance at parties.
Dana GouldCatholic Church reasserts its moral authority on contraception: If God believed in birth control, altar boys would have a uterus.
Dana GouldUnshaven dudes in hoodies and ski caps look so hip and cool, until they too close to a grocery cart full of dented cans.
Dana GouldWhenever someone starts a statement with, Let me tell you the kind of guy I am, that is a great time to start sawing your own head off.
Dana GouldMy daughter will say she's hungry, and I'm like, 'Buddy, you're just bored. Do you understand? And you're already starting a pattern of satisfying an internal disconnect with an external stimulation, and that's a dead-end road, sweetie. Courtney Love lives on that road; you don't want to live on that road.
Dana Gould