If income tax is the price you have to pay to keep the government on its feet, alimony is the price we have to pay for sweeping a woman off hers.
Groucho MarxMy favourite poem is the one that starts 'Thirty days hath September' because it actually tells you something.
Groucho MarxWhen you're in jail, a good friend will be trying to bail you out. A best friend will be in the cell next to you saying, 'Damn, that was fun.'
Groucho MarxEach morning when I open my eyes I say to myself: I, not events, have the power to make me happy or unhappy today.
Groucho MarxI'm gonna put extra blankets, free, in all your rooms, and there'll be no cover charge.
Groucho MarxWhy was I with her? She reminds me of you. In fact, she reminds me more of you than you do!
Groucho MarxYou're a great brother. You give us a heart attack worrying about your heart attack, which you didn't even have the decency to have!
Groucho MarxThe Alps are a simple folk, living on a diet of old shoes. And the Lord Alps those who alp themselves.
Groucho MarxI was going to thrash them within an inch of their lives, but I didn't have a tape measure.
Groucho MarxThree years ago I came to Florida without a nickel in my pocket. Now I've got a nickel in my pocket
Groucho MarxThe Arab and the camel are inseparable. It's been said that and Arab would give up his wife rather than give up his camel. Personally, I haven't got a camel, but I think it's a great idea.
Groucho MarxMrs. Teasdale congratulates him on his coronation and sovereignty: "The eyes of the world are upon you. Notables from every country are gathered here in your honor. This is a gala day for you." Firefly replies: "Well, a gal a day is enough for me. I don't think I could handle any more."
Groucho MarxI'm going to Iowa for an award. Then I'm appearing at Carnegie Hall, it's sold out. Then I'm sailing to France to be honored by the French government - I'd give it all up for one erection.
Groucho MarxAnyone buying this book is going to be out a tidy sum if he is sucked in by the title. I wish I could write a real sexy book that would be barred from the mails. Apparently nothing whets a reader's appetite for literature more than the news that the author has been thrown into a federal pokey for disturbing the libido of millions of Americans.
Groucho MarxHe's so full of alcohol, if you put a lighted wick in his mouth he'd burn for three days.
Groucho MarxMost young women do not welcome promiscuous advances. (Either that, or my luck's terrible.)
Groucho MarxI did toy with the idea of doing a cook-book. . . . I think a lot of people who hate literature but love fried eggs would buy it if the price was right.
Groucho MarxDig trenches? With our men being killed off like flies? There isn't time to dig trenches. We'll have to buy them ready made.
Groucho MarxEver since they found out that Lassie was a boy, the public has believed the worst about Hollywood
Groucho MarxOh, why can't we break away from all this, just you and I, and lodge with my fleas in the hills? I mean flee to my lodge in the hills.
Groucho MarxOne woman and one man might have been OK in your grandmother's day, but who wants to marry your grandmother? Not even your grandfather!
Groucho Marx